Chapter 8: breaking out of the shell

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(Author's note)

A&N: well, after a long relaxing winter break (yeah right!) We have decided to finish chaper 8! enjoy :)

Chapter 8

I awoke to the sound of Venus barking. I snapped my eyes open and was blinded by the bright sunlight streaming through the living room’s skylight. “Venus!” I said in a hushed tone trying not to wake up Adam. I got up quickly and checked the time, 9:00 a.m. Wait a minute didn’t Adam say he had a game today?

“Adam….Adam! Wake up!” I said poking at his biceps.

“Whaaaatttt???” Adam groaned, rolling over in protest

“Don’t you have a game today!?” I said in a concerned voice not wanting him to miss the first game of the season.

“Oh shit, Lacey! It’s at 9:15!” Adam said getting up from the couch and putting on his shoes.

“Ummm well that means you have exactly 14 minutes to get there. I can drive you!” I said while frantically looking for my keys.

“Thanks, but if I don’t get there soon, coach will kill me before I have time to say, ‘wait I was just cuddling with my incredibly cute girlfriend.’” He said smirking devilishly.

I giggled uncontrollability still getting butterflies when Adam said that I was his girlfriend. Just then I tripped over my own feet face planting in my aunts flowerbed as we made our way to the car. I looked up and saw Adam holding his hand out biting his lip  trying to hold back the laughter.

“We need to hurry!” Adam said practically carrying me to the car.

I got onto the main road and asked for directions while Adam fidgeted with his lacrosse bag.

 “Its about 3 miles down this road and then you take a left on Mason Drive. The school will be on your right. I’m going to have to change in the car quick.” Said Adam trying not to sound enthusiastic about it.

He hopped in the back and started to change into his uniform. As he took off his shirt, I looked in the rear-view mirror sneaking a peak of his rippling abs and toned obloquies, but stopped my eyes from going down any further. Suddenly Adam looked at me in the mirror, while I was staring at him. He gave me a flirtatious smile and said, “Hey! Watch the road!”  I snapped my eyes back to the road, just as I was swerving out of the other lane.

“Good job you almost got yourself killed,” I thought to my self thinking about my parents again. 

We had gotten to the game just in time, the guys were lining up for check in. I looked at the stadium seats thinking about who I could sit by. Then there it was, the squealing, hyper-ventilating, spastic, Alicia with her posse of Barbie friends. Fabulous.

I finally spotted Bryson sitting in front of Alicia, unfortunately. “Hey Lacey! Come sit by me!” He said cheerfully. Alicia looked at me with her pinched-up face, but once Adam ran out onto field she let out a shriek that could have broken a mirror.

 She waved wildly with a huge smile on her face. Adam ignored her and waved at me looking as hot as ever. Alicia just pushed her wonder bra up higher.

The game started and we watched as the ball got passed from crosse to crosse. Adam dodged a huge guy who was apparently called Butch and scored the first point. His coach, Mr. Lupard, punched his fist in the air a yelled, “Atta boy, Pierce! Don’t let that guy intimidate you!” I laughed at the sight of him getting so enthusiastic.

“Hey, so how are you and Adam doing anyway? I heard you two were dating.” Bryson said trying to be quiet so Alicia wouldn’t hear. But of course she did anyways.

“Ha! You two are NOT an item he’s still up for the taking. But I mean he’s probably going to go for me so don’t bother I mean, you’re kind of ugly.” She said in her bitchy voice, staring me down. The girls around her tried not to look too hurt.

“Hey can I borrow this Bryson?” I said with false sweetness as I picked up his large pop. “You know what Alicia? I am sick of you being such a fake bitch. You only have friends because of your boob jobs. And honey? Guys don’t actually like you, they just like your body. Oh and by the way, your spray tan got smudged right THERE!” I said as I tossed the drink at her shirt.

Everyone looked at me speechlessly for a second and then one of Bryson’s friends stood up and said, “Dang Lacey! Nice!” He said obliviously just staring at Alicia’s soaked shirt where her bra was showing through.

All of Alicia’s “friends” were dabbing her shirt off with napkins acting like I had just stabbed her. “You little! Goddd you are sooo going to pay for that!” She said crazily, brushing off her barbies as she stood up and pointed a perfectly manicured finger at me. She stalked off being her dramatic self. I just rolled my eyes, typical Alicia.

I turned back to the game, “So how’s the game going, Bryson?” I said, pretending the escapade had not just happened.

Bryson just stared at me in surprise, “What just happened?” he asked.

I thought about all of the crap I’ve taken from Alicia “Lets just say little nice girl isn’t coming out to play anymore.”

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