Chapter 9: Threatening Texts

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(Author's note)

A&N: well, we have an idea about how the rest of the story is going to go, so hopefully things will run smoothly from now on :)

Chapter 9

I was yelling and screaming at the top my lungs, not caring that I would probably lose my voice by the next day.

“And the winning point is scored by Adam Pierce!” I could barely hear the announcer over the loudspeaker, as the noise of the crowd was deafening.

Adam and his team were out on the field, celebrating on their slim win. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of the scoreboard. 14-13, it read. It’s a keeper, I thought and smiled.

I made my way near the locker rooms to wait for Adam; I couldn’t wait to congratulate him!

(Adam’s POV)

As I walked out of the locker room, my cell buzzed against my thigh. As I fished it out of my pocket, I wondered who it could be. My parents? No, they didn’t come to the game tonight. Lacey? Probably not, she always waits for me after games. The guys were still celebrating.

As I pushed open the door out of the locker room, I stopped torturing myself and finally opened the message. It read:

From: blocked number

Your little girlfriend looks so cute

when she is cheering for you in

the stands. I wonder what the

picture would look like without

you in it?

What? Was all I could think. What does this mean? As I turned the corner I deleted the message.

I frowned as a little screen popped up, saying:

Message deleted

I tucked my phone back into my pocket.

“Are you okay?” a soft voice asked as the owner touched my shoulder

I just about jumped a mile; then I realized it was Lacey. “I am now,” I said smiling and pulling her in for a hug.

Oh, the cheesy lines I use for this girl. I think to myself.

We walk to her car, hand in hand. I love how her hand feels in mine; it’s so small, yet her fingers fit perfectly in the spaces between mine.

As I am just buckling my seatbelt, I remembered something important, “Hey Lace?” I ask

“Yeah?” She replies, “the team and some other people are going out for pizza to celebrate the win” I say, hoping she will react well.

“Oh,” she replies, I can see the disappointment flood her face, but it quickly leaves “do you want me to drop you off?” She says.

Now it’s my turn to be disappointed  “You don’t want to come?” I ask tentatively.

She sends me a surprised side-ways glance out of the corner of her eye “Am I invited?”

I suddenly burst out laughing, “Of course you’re invited!”

“Oh” she says, I can tell she is embarrassed, because her face turns a cute shade of pinkish-red.

I smile, sometimes, I can’t believe she is all mine.

 (Lacey’s POV)

I pull into the parking lot of the Pizza Palace.

I am still embarrassed about the whole ‘am I invited” thing. My face burns just thinking about it.

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