Chapter 10: Homecoming Horrors

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(Author’s note)

A: Hey guys, this took awhile to write and upload. but hey! it’s here now! :)

N:Adam is such a gentlemen :)

Chapter 10


(Lacey’s POV)

I woke up with a major headache that pounded in my head. As I fumbled for the Advil I stepped on my phone that was lying on the ground. I picked it up and saw that I had a text from Adam.

Good morning beautiful (:

I could almost feel myself blush bright pink. He really was the sweetest guy in the world.

I quickly changed into my frayed jean shorts, a blue sweater and my new pair of Asics that my aunt bought for me.

I glanced  at my calendar, which hung over my neatly organized desk. “Shoot! I have homecoming committee!” I groaned.

I looked over at my alarm clock. The numbers 11:15 flashed on the tiny screen. “Shit, I’m going to be late!” I shrieked as I jumped up from the bed where I was currently tying my shoes.

I frantically looked around for my sunglasses and car keys.

I got to the school just in time to hear what group I was in for organizing homecoming.

“Hello students!” Said our supervisor in her unnaturally cheery voice. “I know you don’t want to be here this early, but this is going to super groovy!”  

“Does she know it’s the twenty-first century?” Said a sophomore behind me. I snorted, one look at the supervisor’s clothes and i knew she was from a different time period.

“Lacey! I knew that you would be on the committee again!”  she squawked excitedly.

“Oh yeah I had a blast last year!” I said sarcastically, but she didn’t seem to notice. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Bryson hanging up the banners. I checked the list that told us what we were suppose to do and saw my name in bold on the top:

Student Director: Lacey Bright

Great. Just perfect. I can barely control my own  life without controlling the whole homecoming committee.

I sighed internally, i loved helping out, i really did, but right now it was just too much to handle with everything going on.

Adam was acting strangely, Julie was still a no-show, and Cullen. Oh Cullen. I've still been visiting him, though not as frequently. The doctors say the same thing as always, stable condition, could wake up at anytime, blah blah blah. I couldn’t stand sitting there and talking to him as if everything was just fine, like there was no problem.

They say that people in comas can still hear you, so I try to give Cullen extensive updates on my life. I’ve talked and talked to him for so long that my voice goes hoarse. I think it is kind of pointless, he doesn’t even acknowledge me with an eye twitch or anything!

Many weekend nights I have come home with puffy eyes and a sore throat. from crying and talking. Adam has always been there to comfort and console me, even then, he seems a bit off. Maybe its just my imagination; I guess I have been missing that ‘mother’s touch’ for the past week ever since Julie went on her impromptu vacation.

“So what should we be doing, Lacey?” The sophomore who was behind me asks.

“Um, well, we should probably hang posters up in the hallway, but make sure to leave a bit of room for the nomination posters. We should also decorate the gymnasium and paint banners?” I suggested.

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