Chapter 4: The First Day

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(Author's Note)

A: Another chapter! vote and comment, please! vomment! :)

N:I hate the first day of school! But i hope that you love this chapter! ^ like A said vote + comment, or vomment! :D

Chapter 4


"Lacey? Are you awake?" I heard Julie's muffled voice from behind my door. I groaned and rolled over in my bed. I so didn't want to get up; it was too early! "You don't want to be late for the first day of school!" That woke me up. "I'm Up!" I chirped. I heard Julie's receding footsteps as she walked away from my room.

I leaped out of bed and went over to my closet. What to wear; what to wear. I decided to try to make an impression today; it was the first day of school after all!

I finally decided on a lace aqua tank top layered over a plain dark blue tee. I put on a little mascara, grabbed my bag and started down the stairs.

"Julie?" I called. "In here!" her voice floated towards me from the direction of the kitchen.

I walk into the kitchen and the first thing I see is flour, and flour, and flour. "Uhmm" I said, shocked. Aunt Julie looks up proudly and holds out a plate of pancakes. "I know it's not the same, but I know your mother always made you pancakes for breakfast so..." She stops, probably because she saw the expression on my face. My vision blurred as tears filled my eyes. I took the plate and muttered a 'thanks' she nods and silently leaves the room.

I blinked back my tears. It was so nice of Julie to do this for me; and judging by the kitchen's state, she didn't cook very often!

After I had finished my breakfast I went outside and there, sitting in the driveway was a Mercedes Benz, the car I've always wanted!

I walked over to it in awe. Is it mine? On the left side-view mirror, hung a little tag, with a set of keys attached.


I'm so sorry I had to leave early and wasn't able to see you off to school. I hope this gift kind of makes it up to you J

- Aunt Julie

- P.S. there are two sets of keys; house keys and car keys!

So that's where she went this morning- to work. I smiled to myself as I got into the car, the first day of school always put me in a good mood. Summer always kind of got boring after a while. And after a summer like this one, I couldn't wait for something to keep it off of my mind.

As I pulled into the school parking lot, I repeated my annual mantra, "this is going to be the best school year you have ever had." As I said that over and over again it made some memories resurface.

My mom and I always used to repeat that together when she drove me to school.

Lost in thought, I didn't even notice a car cut right in front of me. Swearing under my breath I slammed on the breaks.

It was Alicia - of course. She was the school slut. She always wore low shirts and short skirts. She practically slept with all of the guys at our school.

She smiled at me. "Ooops! I didn't see you - there. She stopped abruptly and started at my brand new Mercedes Benz. Wow did you get that from your parents will?" She said snippily. She drove into the spot I was going to take and parked sloppily.

I had to go to the other side of the lot in order to take a spot. I can't believe she just said that I had tears in my eyes now trying not to cry. That lump was in my throat, the one that I had the day of my parents' funeral.

I parked my car and repeated my mantra one last time, took a deep breath, grabbed my bag, and stepped out of the car.

I walked to school while giving my schedule a once over.

Lowell High School

Name: Lacey Bright

Grade: 11 (Junior)

School ID #: 11892

"Red Days"

Hour 1: Pre- Calc

Hour 2: American History

(Lunch hour)

Hour 3: French 2

Hour 4: Physical Education/Health

"White Days"

Hour 5: Band

Hour 6: Literature

(Lunch hour)

Hour 7: -------

Hour 8: Chemistry

Go Cardinals!

Pre-Calc huh? Ugh, I hate math. I cannot WAIT until next year when taking a math class isn't mandatory. I sighed and trudged to my class.


After hours of sitting through classes that didn't interest me one bit, I was able to say Au Revoir to School, well until tomorrow anyway.

I closed my locker at the end of the day, turned, and gave a small yelp of surprise while nearly jumping out of my skin.

"What the hell?!" I screamed while hitting a hysterical Cullen playfully, "You scared the crap out of me!" As I raised my arm to hit him again, he held his arms up in defense. "Hey! It's not my fault you---" His sentence was cut short as I swung my arm down towards his face.

The next thing I know, Cullen is pinning me up against the wall. He looked at me solemnly and said, "apologize" I looked up at him defiantly, "No"

He smiles and says laughing, "you asked for it" I was about to ask what in the world he was talking about, but my words were choked back into my throat as Cullen started tickling me mercilessly.

"Please..... Stop...... CULLEN!" I gasped between giggles. "Apologize" Cullen replied, not letting up. "Fine, fine I'm sorry!" I said desperately, I was starting to get a side cramp. "What was that?" He asked teasingly, "Did I just hear Lacey apologize?" I glared up at him, "Let me go".

He laughs and steps away. "Hey, do you want to shoot some hoops?' he asks.

Un-freaking believable. "Okay, so one moment you're trying to bring me to my doom, and then they next, you are asking if I want to 'shoot hoops'?" I asked incredulously, while making quotations around the words shoot hoops.

"Yup" He says popping the 'P'. I rolled my eyes "fine, let's go."

Even in the worst of times, Cullen has always been there for me.

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