Ninteen Years Later

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Albus was scared out of his mind! He was on the Hogwarts Express on his way to Hogwarts. This was crazy, where to sit, where to sit? Then he saw her. 'Rose!' He screamed across the train. Rose quickly put her head down. She quickly walked towards Albus. 'Albus,' she whispered angrily. 'This is school! I know we're cousins, but come on, make a new friend. Anyone!'
Albus looked around. 'Like who?' He asked. Rose scanned the train. 'How about...' She kept looking. 'Scorpius!' She suggested. Albus looked at him. 'But....' He started. Rose sighed. 'Haven't we met him at parties, you know how your dad made you invite him to all your birthdays, till you were like seven!'
Albus rolled his eyes. 'He never came though, my dad and I haven't met him until today! And anyway, his dad and my dad were like enemies!'
'Then they became great friends!' Rose said cheerfully. 'Well if you don't sit with him I will.'
Albus laughed. 'You're just trying to make me sit with him, you don't want to be seen with me.'
Rose went red. 'We'll all sit together then.' Rose and Albus walked up to Scorpius. 'Wanna sit with us?' Rose asked him reluctantly. Scorpius smiled. 'Of course,' he replied. The three of them walked into a compartment. 'So,' Rose said as the sat down. 'I can't wait to be sorted!' She beamed. Scorpius smiled. 'My dad wants me in Slytherin.' Scorpius told them. Rose nodded. 'I want Ravenclaw,' she told them. 'Albus will probably be Hufflepuff, me Ravenclaw, and you Scorpius, definitely Slytherin.'
Albus could tell Scorpius didn't want Slytherin, but he smiled anyway.

Soon the Trolley Witch came by. 'Do you want anything?' She asked. Scorpius bought a pile of chocolate frogs, Albus got some Bertie Bott's, while Rose just stared at them in disgust. 'Pigs,' she mumbled.

For the whole ride, Rose just read. At moments she would tell Albus and Scorpius to shush, but that's all. Eventually, they arrived. Rose hopped up. She was extremely excited, while Albus and Scorpius were dreading every bit of it. 'Time to go!' Rose squealed.
When they finally got out, Hagrid greeted them by shouting, 'FIRST YEARS!!' In their faces. He stopped shouting when he saw Albus and Rose. 'Merlin's beard!' He gasped. He started pulling at Albus' face. 'You look te splittin' image of yer father!' He said. He then began pulling at Rose's hair. Rose looked terrified. 'Bushy like yer mothers, but brigh' red like yer father,' Hahrid told her. When he finally stopped examining them, he put all the first years on boats. Albus and Scorpius were on the same boat with an Irish wizard called Fionn McCarthy. He was very entertaining. Rose however chose another boat, trying to avoid them as far as possible.
When they reached they hopped off and were introduced by Professor McGonagall. 'Welcome students,' she said. She took them into the entrance hall and explained what was to be done. She then took them into the Great Hall. It was amazing. The second to seventh years scanned them.
Professor McGonagall got out a stool and placed a hat on it. The hat sang:
I am the Sorting Hat
The wisest as can be
If you want to know where you belong
Then come on down to me
I'll look inside your mind
See where you ought to be
Then sort you up and you sort you tight
And sort as I please
There's the brave old Gryffindors
Where the courageous like to roll
And cheerful little Hufflepuff
Who's loyal to any soul
And tricky old Slytherin
Where Sly and bold shall be
And wise great Ravenclaw
Where the smart must see

Albus felt like he could faint. Where to go? Where to go?
Professor McGonagall took out a scroll. 'McCarthy, Fionn' she called. Fionn nervously walked up. She placed the hat on his head and it yelled, 'GRYFFINDOR'
Fionn beamed and ran to the Gryffindor table.
'Leonard, Max' she called. A blonde boy walked to the sorting hat. She placed it on his head and it yelled,
More and more names were called and the Albus heard, 'Granger-Weasley, Rose'
Rose walked to the stool. The hat was put upon her head and it yelled.......
Rose sighed and ran to the table and sat beside Fionn.
Then Albus was called. The sorting hat went on his head. 'Ooh, I see, I see,' the Sorting Hat mumbled. 'You'd be successful in both Slytherin and Gryffindor, but you prefer Gryffindor'
There was a long pause.
'GRYFFINDOR' it yelled
Albus rushed to Rose. 'I knew it!' She said. Albus laughed. 'No you didn't you said I'd be Hufflepuff and you Ravenclaw.' She shrugged.
'McCarthy, Cian'
'McCarthy, Bec'
Rose looked at Fionn. 'Those your siblings?' She asked. He nodded. 'Triplets,' he said.
'Malfoy, Scorpius'
Rose rubbed her hands. 'I'll get him right!' She said.
The sorting hat yelled. Everyone gasped. A Malfoy, a Hufflepuff?

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