Unexpected Arrival

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Harry was at the dinner table with his wife and Ginny.
Life turned out just fine for him: He was paid exceptionally well, he married a gorgeous woman and had three marvellous children. Two who were already at Hogwarts!
'Harry,' Ginny asked. 'My friend at work getting married on Saturday, so I was thinking if we could go down with Lily,' Ginny told him. Lily lit up. 'Yay! Please dad?' Lily begged. Harry laughed. 'Of course!' He told them. Lily hopped up and did a little dance, which made her parents laugh. 'Sit down, Lily!' Her mother chuckled. Ginny turned to Harry. 'I'm going to buy a dress for Lily tomorrow, we don't have any plans?' She asked. Harry shook his head.
'Can I be excused?' Lily asked. Ginny nodded. 'Put your plate in the sink!' Ginny told her. Lily walked over to the sink, but halfway there, her magic suddenly came out and broke the dish. Lily gasped. 'Sorry it was my magic!' Lily explained. Harry smiled. 'We trust you,' he told her. Ginny took out her wand, waved it and the plate fixed itself and landed in the sink.'
The doorbell then went. 'I'll get!' Lily said. Ginny stared at Harry. 'Follower her, before she blows up the door!' Harry rushed down the hall. Lily opened the door, and standing in front of her was Luna Lovegood. 'Hello!' She beamed. Behind Luna was her husband Rolf Scamander and her twin boys Lorcan and Lysander. 'Hey twins!' Lily said. Luna peeped her head in. 'Have you seen a cat anywhere?' She asked. Harry shook his head.
Ginny rushed in the hall. 'Luna!' She squealed and hugged her tightly. 'Have you seen a cat anywhere?' Luna asked her. Ginny shook her head. 'A cat?'
Luna smiled. 'Well, you see,' she began. Harry laughed. Luna come in, it's freezing!' Harry told her. The whole Scamander family walked in.
'Anyhoo!' She went on. 'We were thinking of coming to your house over the weekend, so I was telling Rolf where you live and, our cat Snowy-belle hopped on me, and I fell in our Floo chimney, I knocked into the Floo and it fell on the chimney, and poof, Snowy-Belle and I were at your doorstep.' Luna was telling them. 'She hopped in the window, and the Rolf and the twins Flooed over here!' She said. 'We need our cat!'
Ginny smiled. 'We'll look around.' Ginny said. The twins looked at each other. 'Cat hunt!' They yelled in unison. Lily jumped in the air. 'Twins, we'll hunt with each other.' She yelled. Garry looked down at Lily. 'Get Luna and Rolf some tea,' he told her. Lily groaned.
Luna and Rolf followed her to the kitchen. Luna looked at the twins. 'You're coming too!' She ordered them. 'Thank you Ginny and Harry!' Luna told them. Ginny and Harry smiled, and made their way up the the stairs.
'Only these sort of things would happen with Luna,' Harry laughed. Ginny laughed too. 'I wish we were back at Hogwarts,' Ginny said. Harry nodded. 'Life is pretty good now anyway,' Harry said. Ginny nodded in agreement. Ginny pointed at the top of the stairs. 'The cat!' She yelled. Harry took out his wand. 'Petrificus Totalus!' Harry yelled. The cat easily dodged it, jumping on Harry's face, almost sending him down the stairs, but Ginny luckily caught him. The cat ran down into the dining room, jumping in the table. 'My baby!' Luna squealed. The cat leaped over Luna, into the Kitchen. 'Would you like biscuits with your tea?' Lily called. Snowy-Belle jumped in the biscuits eating them up. The twins ran at the cat, but it leaped over them.
Rolf pulled out his wand and yelled. 'Augmenti!' A burst of water flung st the cat, making it jump in fright. Luna rushed at her, and picked her up. 'Mommy's here,' Luna said. Rolf put his wand away. 'Well we better head now,' Rolf told them. Ginny hugged Luna goodbye, then Rolf. Harry did the same. 'Do the twins want to stay the night?' Harry asked. The twins looked at each other and high-fives. Luna looked at Rolf. 'Fine with us,' she said.
'Yes!' Lily, Lorcan and Lysander cheered.

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