Granny Molly and Grandad Arthur

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Harry had a rough day at work. Ever since his new promotion, work has the been the worst on him. The summer was great. They relaxed at home for a while then went to Spain. It was nice having the whole family together. Even though James was scaring Albus with stories of how the teachers always slap you at Hogwarts and turn you into weasels if you were bad.
It was hard seeing Albus leaving. Now it was just him, Ginny and Lily. He arrived at the front door and rang the bell. It was then opened by his daughter, Lily. Lily groaned. 'I hate Muggle School!' She complained. 'I want to go to Hogwarts with Albus and James!'
Harry sighed. 'Yeah I had a great day, thanks for asking!' He said sarcastically. Lily rolled her eyes. 'We're going to the Burrow,' she said. 'Granny owled us, Uncle George is coming, and Auntie Hermione and Uncle Ron. Uncle Percy might come. Uncle Charlie can't make it, but Uncle Bill is bringing himself and Fleur.' Lily then hopped down the hall. Harry ran after her. 'So we're going to the Burrow?' Harry asked Ginny. Ginny nodded. 'Is that okay?' She asked Harry nodded. Ginny smiled. 'We're travelling by Floo Powder, so come on.'
The used the Floo Powder and were quickly at the Burrow.
When they entered, they were greeted by Molly. 'Granny Molly!' Lily yelled and hugged her tight. Molly gasped. 'You've gotten so big!' Molly told her. 'Come in,' Molly told Harry and Ginny. 'It's freezing!'
Ginny smiled. 'Hi mom!' She said, giving her a tight hug.
'Hi Mrs. Weasley,' Harry said. Molly laughed. 'You need to stop calling me that, Harry.'
Molly greeted them in. The table was set and Bill Fleur made it. So did Hermione and Ron, and they brought Hugo. Percy came with Audrey and then Arthur was at the top of the table. 'Grandad!' Lily squealed hugging him. Hugo then walked in. 'Lily, do come over here!' And then Lily and Hugo were off
Ginny and Harry sat down. 'This is lovely.' Molly said. Lucy, Percy's daughter, came out if the bathroom. 'Where's Hugo?' She asked.
'Out the back with Lily,' Audrey said. Lucy smiled. 'Lily's here!'
Then the doorbell rang. Molly went to get it and came back with George, Angelina and their daughter Roxanne. 'Daddy, you said cousin's Hugo, Lily and Lucy were here?' Roxanne said.
'There out the back, dear' Molly said. And Roxanne went rushing out. George and Angelina sat down. 'I'm glad Fred's back at school, now we only have one troublesome child left!' Fred said happily. Ron chuckled. 'I'm glad Rose is at Hogwarts now. No more complaints that she doesn't have this book or she doesn't have that!' Ron said. Hermione punched him in the arm. 'Our daughter is an excellent reader!' Hermione told him. Ron laughed. 'AKA book worm!' Ron said. Harry laughed. 'AKA Hermione!' Harry said. Hermione glared at Ron. Then at Harry. Suddenly she burst into laughter.
When they finished the main course, the kids came in for apple tarts and custard. 'Yummy!' Hugo said. Hugo turned to his father. 'Can I have a sleepover at Uncle George's?'
Uncle George laughed. 'Of course!' He beamed. Lily hopped up. 'Me too?' She asked. George nodded. 'If it's ok with Harry and Ginny. Lily looked to Harry and Ginny. They nodded.
'Can I go too, daddy?' Lucy asked. Percy smiled. 'If Uncle George is ok with that,' Percy looked down the table at George. George nodded happily. 'The more the merrier!' He said.

After the tart and custard, everyone started to go. First George went in the chimney, to use the Floo. Then Angelina, then Roxanne, then Hugo, then Lucy and then Lily. 'Bye Granny Molly and Grandad Arthur!' Lily said happily. 'Bye mam and dad!' Lily said to Ginny and Harry. Ginny and Harry waved, and she disappeared. Percy stepped in next, once he was finished Audrey went in.
After that it was Bill then Fleur. Ron went in next, Hermione after. Ginny then went in, with Harry just after.

Harry and Ginny appeared at their doorstep. Harry took out his keys and they walked in.

Harry made himself some chicken curry, sat by the table and ate and read the Daily Prophet.
When he reached the Quidditch segment, he said, 'Nice writing, Ginny!'
'Thank you!' Ginny called.

In no time, Harry had finished his food and went to bed.

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