Quidditch Trials

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Albus and Scorpius were watching the Quidditch trials. Molly was captain of the Gryffindor team. She waved at Albus and Scorpius, and they waved back.
Rose walked over to Albus and Scorpius. She sat next to them munching on an apple and reading a book. 'Hey,' she said to them.
'What are you reading?' Scorpius asked her. 'Mac Beth,' Rose told him. 'I'm trying to figure out how Muggles think if witch's, Merlin's beard they got it wrong!'
The Quidditch trials had begun, and first up was, James!
'James!' Albus called. James rolled his eyes and ignored him. Rose chuckled. 'Remember when he was nice?' Rose laughed. Albus glared at her. 'Sorry,' she said, and took a bite of her apple.
Molly released the snitch, and it flew around the stadium. James hopped on his broom and flew around. Albus sighed. 'He was always a great Quidditch player, and I was always cra-'
'Shut up!' Rose yelled. 'You're well better than James! You taught me how to ride, so if your jealous of him, try out then.'
Albus laughed. 'No first-year has ever gotten on the team since-'
'Your dad!' Scorpius said. 'Your dad did it, so can you!'
Albus stared at him. 'I'll try out if you try out for the Hufflepuff team?' Albus asked. Scorpius nodded. 'And Rose?' Rose shut her book, and threw the book and the apple in her bag. 'Fine!' Rose and Albus rushed to Molly. 'Can we try out?' Rose asked her. Molly looked at her watch. 'Um, trials are almost over, and your not wearing the proper-'
'Please!' Rose begged. Molly sighed. 'You need a broom!' Molly told them. Fred walked up. 'Use mine,' Fred offered. Rose took it and gave it to Albus. Molly handed hers to Rose. James came down with the snitch. 'Got it Mollz!' James cheered. Molly smiled.
'Rose your up, what do you want to be?' Molly asked. 'Beater,' Rose smiled. Rose grabbed a club and flew up. Molly unleashed the bludger.' It flew at Rose, but she swiftly dodged it. 'Albus?' Molly asked. 'Chaser,' Albus told her. Albus hopped on his broom, grabbed a quaffle and flew. He threw it at the hoop but the Keeper deflected it. It went flying to the ground, but Albus zoomed down at it. He hit it hard with the end of his broom, and it went flying high. Albus charged at it, grabbed it, and threw it in a hoop. A bludger flew at him, but Rose swung at it, making it fly at the Keeper. The Keeper dodged it, giving Albus an opportunity. He threw the quaffle at the hoop and scored. Rose continued batting the oncoming bludgers. 'Trials are over!' Molly called. Rose whacked a bludger, and it flew straight into the case. Molly locked it quickly. Rose hit the next one in and Molly locked it again. Albus scored once more before he came down. Molly smiled at them. 'Rose, you have the best target since Uncle George and Uncle Fred!' Molly told her. Rose smiled. Molly turned to Albus. 'Amazing scores! You two could literally read each others minds! Your tactics were fabulous!' Molly looked around and whispered, 'Don't tell anybody but, you two are so on the team!'
Molly took her broom off Rose and left. Fred rushed over. 'You two were amazing. I can't wait to beat with you Rose, and Albus brilliant scores!'Albus gave Fred the broom, and Albus and Rose went to find Scorpius. Scorpius came back with a big wide smile. 'They've guaranteed me Keeper!' He yelled. The trio went off to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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