Hagrid's Hut

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Albus woke up in the middle of the night. He had a horrible dream about him losing his family. He felt really homesick and wanted to go back to his parents.
Albus got up. He went to his desk, where he took out some parchment and a quill. He then began writing a letter to his parents. When he finished, he gave it to his owl, Leonardo. Leonardo then flew out the window, on his way to Albus' home.
Eventually, Albus fell asleep.

Albus woke up early in the morning, and got dressed. Leonardo had returned with a letter from his parents. Albus read it and smiled. There was a message from his mother, father and Lily.
Albus went down to the Great Hall. He sat next to Rose and his cousin Fred. 'Hey Albus!' Fred cheered. 'How's Hogwarts going?'
'Well yesterday was very intense,' Albus said. Fred laughed. 'Always is,' Fred told him.
Dominique, their fifteen year old cousin walked by. 'Hey Dominique!' Fred called. Dominique rolled her eyes.
'Come sit with us,' Fred asked. Dominique turned red. 'For the last time,' she told him. 'I am a Ravenclaw! SO I HAVE TO SIT AT THE RAVENCLAW TABLE!' And with that, she walked off. Fred chuckled to himself. 'She's bizarre!' He told them. 'I'm going down to Hagrid's hut with Dominique, Victoire, Louis, James and Louis, you two can come down, and if you want you can bring your Hufflepuff friend.' Rose and Albus nodded.
Fred smiled. 'After classes though,'

Soon it was time for their first Hogwarts class: Herbology. It was taught by Professor Longbottom, who was one of Albus' father's old friend from Hogwarts. And they had it with the Hufflepuff's.
Rose and Albus made their way to the greenhouse. 'I'm so excited!' Rose beamed. 'My first non-muggle lesson!' Albus on the other hand was terrified. 'It'll be alright,' Rose told him, noticing his unusual pale skin and goosebumps. 'You can be my partner,' she offered. That made Albus much more happy. When they walked in Professor Longbottom smiled. 'A Potter and Granger-Weasley in my class!' He laughed. 'And I also have a Malfoy!'
Albus looked around and saw Scorpius. Albus walked over to him and say at his table, Rose right behind. 'Hey Albus,' Scorpius greeted. 'Hey Rose,'
Rose gave him a smile. Albus and Rose sat down next to him, and waited for the lesson to begin. 'Is everyone here?' Professor Longbottom asked. Some nodded, some said yes. 'Good!' The professor said, clapping his hands. 'Now this is all a bit intimidating, your first day of school, I remember mine, it was no dip in the sea. This will be hard for some, but hopefully will go well for others.' He told them. 'Now please open on page 56 of Herbology For Beginners.' Everyone did as they were told. 'Pssst, Scorpius,' Albus whispered. 'Yeah?' Scorpius asked. Albus looked to see if the teacher was looking. 'Wanna come with me to Hagrid's hut, my cousins are going?' Albus asked. Scorpius smiled. 'Of course!'
Rose glared at them. 'Guys, would shut up!' She told them strictly.
Soon the lesson was over. They then din potions, charms and transfiguration. In no time, the class was over, and the three went down to Hagrid's hut. When they reached, they were greeted by three big dogs. Hagrid opened the door. 'Sorry bout' dem!' Hagrid told Albus, Rose and Scorpius. 'Fred told me yer wer cominck,' he then greeted them in. 'Those dogs are Tooth Jaw and Crunch, they were me old dogs little puplets, bu' now ole Fang is gone.' Hagrid told them. 'But he me' a wonderful stray, fell in love like they do, had som' lil' puplets, and den day passed.' Hagrid greeted them to a seat. James, Fred, Louis and Molly were there, but no sign of Dominique and Victoire. 'Lovely havin' som' guests it tis!' He looked at Albus, James and Rose. 'Yer parents always visited me!' Albus looked at the dogs. Tooth had a snotty nose, Jaw had spiky ears, and Crunch was wearing a spiky collar. Crunch suddenly leaped on Rose. 'AAAAGH!' She screamed. Molly grabbed Crunch's collar and pulled him back. 'Good boy, Crunch!' She said giving him a tight hug.
There was then a knock and the three dogs rushed out, jumping on Victoire and Dominique. Dominique and Victoire crouched down, and rubbed the dogs. 'Hey Tooth!' Dominique squealed. 'Girls, come in now you lil' things!' Dominique and Victoire walked in. 'Good evening, Hagrid!' Victoire said. 'I haved some mufflings, if ye wan'?' Hagrid asked. 'We're fine,' they told him.
Hagrid suddenly hopped up. 'Look wha' I have fur yer lesson, Victoire!'
They all left the hut and went out the back. Outside was a marvellous unicorn! 'Now ye be'er study dis be fur da lesson, I'll be asking questions!' Hagrid warned.
Victoire smiled. 'Hagrid!' Scorpius beamed. 'I can't wait till third year!'

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