Chapter 4 Discovery

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I started to worry very deeply inside me, the Doctor looked worried but, as always, he always found a way to make me laugh, even if he did think this was his fault.

" Doctor, it's not your fault, don't worry, in a way it kind of is but, it's fine, at least I'm not dead eh." I tried my hardest to re-assure him, but he was still worried. I made him laugh again, he made me laugh again, But then he started to worry, again.

"Ah here we are, 1950. The time and place I first met the angels! Well basically at the old house we had the party at but err, lets go." He suddenly became full of enthusiasm.

So the search began, but we didn't have to wait very long. The Doctor told me to run back to the TARDIS but before I could do so, this man came from behind me and tried to kill the angel, he did it. He really did it! He actually killed a weeping angel.

" Well that was highly impressive, Who are you and what exactly do you do? Oh how rude of me, hello I'm The Doctor and this is my assistant, Clara." I looked at the guy as he took of his balaclava, he looked extremely familiar. Extremely familiar indeed.

He waved at us and introduced himself,

"Hi, I'm Richard, Rich for short, I'm a time traveler, well, I was anyway until I was replaced by someone called David Tenant, also known as..... The Doctor. What's your name 'Doctor'?" He didn't let me listen so, he told me to wait behind the TARDIS and cover my ears but, I heard the slightest part, Matt. I didn't catch his second name, I wanted to search him on the Internet, I couldn't without a second name, plus there could be more than one Matt ..... In the world. I tried to search Matt time traveler, but I only got 'sorry, your request cannot be found. Please try again," then my phone went dead.

"Doctor, when can we leave?" I asked as I reached to put my phone in my pocket but, as I turned to face the doctor, the Angel was off of the floor, and was coming about 5 steps closer every time I blinked. Then I got it,

"Thats why the Doctor told me not to blink, it all makes sense now. Every last little bit." So, as I tried to back up into the TARDIS, I didn't blink. Not even once. Not until I shut he door of the TARDIS and waited for the doctor. I waited... And waited... And waited. Nothing, nothing... Nothing.

I started to worry. BANG!! The TARDIS had been moved by something or someone,"The angel. It's moving the TARDIS. It's trying to get in! Doctor help me please!" I begged and pleaded so hard that eventually, the doctor came from no where, with that 'Rich' boy or 'Richard'.

"Doctor! I spotted one. An angel. It....I.....yo-" I stuttered and started. The doctor hugged me and hushed me to calm me down. Even for a 26 year old like me, it worked!

"Right, lets get a move o-!" The TARDIS moved again and me all fell flat on our faces. I must've passed out because I can't remember what happened because I woke up in a hospital bed, The Doctor and Richard, by my side. Well Richard was in a deep sleep on the chairs beside my bed (Lazy person💤),

"Doctor what happened? Did I-" I looked down. My arm, was in a cast, a purple cast, "Clara, I can explain, as the angel moved the TARDIS, everyone fell over flat on their faces and you ,unluckily, landed down really hard on your arm and broke it." I sighed and fell asleep again. I don't remember what else I did.

I felt better the next day and was allowed to go home. That's when the real adventure began....

TO BE CONTINUED IN CHAPTER 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

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