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Liam's POV-
I sat on the couch waiting for Louis to get home.
He walked into the house and something was just off about him, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.
"Hey Lou! I made you some dinner" I point to the chicken on the table
"Thanks Liam" he grabbed it and took it to his room.
Niall looked at me, "what's his problem?"
I shrugged acting like it was no big deal.
I walked into his room and he was already in bed.
I took a deep breathe and shut the lights off, maybe he just had a long day. I took his dirty plate, and I closed the door gently behind me.
"He's asleep." I told Niall
"Already? It's only 7:30" he says
I nod
"I'm sure it's just been a long day, but I dont know.." I say cleaning his plate
"We'll see in the morning." Niall says heading to bed
I grab my phone and look at the preview of the movie.
It looked so good! I didn't see any problem why Louis would like it. I turned off my phone and went to bed hoping he would be better in the morning

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