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When I woke up Josh was watching me, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Daddy?" I asked.

"Yeah baby?" I went and sat by him, cuddling into my mate's side.

"Are you okay?" I whispered. He nodded and smiled.

"Just thinking, Ty." He mumbled. I felt him put his arm around my waist and he pulled me into his lap. He ran his fingers down my spine and I giggled.

"That tickles." I mumbled into his neck.

Josh just smiled and laid back, taking me with him. "You're my everything." He whispered, making me blush and hide my face. "What? You are."

"Even if you didn't have the pack?"

"Even if I didn't have the pack." He answered. I smiled and nuzzled his neck, making him laugh. "You're adorable. God, I love you. Thank you moon goddess."

"You're too perfect for me. I don't deserve you."

"Oh shush. You deserve the best things in like. Even though I'm not the best."

"Cmon. You're the most amazing guy ever. And you know it." I moved to look at him and grabbed his chin. He rolled his eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Hey. Stop that. You're amazing." I replied, pouting.

"Then believe that about yourself." He added. I rolled my eyes. "No more of that bullshit you pulled on your birthday."

"No more."

"And I know I can't love your depression or suicidal thoughts away but I can make you feel as good as possible." I blushed and smiled.

"Thanks babe. I really really love you." He kissed my head and ran his hand through my hair, nodding slightly.

"Can you scratch my back?" He asked. I nodded and scratched the upper middle of his back. He arched his back and smiled. "Thanks baby."

"No problem." I whispered and grabbed the blanket. I pulled it up higher and Josh laughed a little.

"You're in heat, yet you're cold as fuck."

"Just like me daily. I seem all warm and cuddly but I really wanna rip your throat out." I smiled innocently and his eyes widened, making me giggle.

"Fuck, Ty." He mumbled. I kissed his cheek and got on top of him, clinging to him like a koala. Josh pulled the blanket up and rubbed my back, usually touching my ass.

"What's your favourite part of me?" I mumbled. "Like body."

"Face and ass. I could stare at that face all day and play with your ass all day. It's so perfect and big."

"My face is ugly."

"Bullshit!" Josh yelled. Someone opened the door.

"Everything okay?" Patrick asked. He's the therapist/caregiver/person everyone goes to when they need advice. He looks out for everyone and helps them through anything.

"Yeah, Trick. Thanks." I answered. He smiled and went to shut the door.

"Hold on. Is he cute? Honestly. I won't tell Pete."

"I mean, yeah, he's cute. He has a nice face."

"Told you!" I made a noise in my throat and rolled over, shoving my face in Josh's chest.

"I hate you." I felt his arms around me and he kissed my cheek, making me fight back a smile. "No. I don't like you."

"Bullshit. You love me."

"I hate it when you're right." I mumbled. He kissed the back of my neck and I put my hand on his leg.

"You're only right 99 percent of the time." I grinned and leaned into him, letting him touch my stomach. "Roll over so I can touch your ass."

I just scooted back and rubbed my ass against his cock. "Looks like my daddy is getting excited." I whispered.

"Baby boy." He whispered. I hummed. "Please stop. I really wanna fuck you but I know you aren't ready."

"I want you to fuck me too." I replied and smiled. He groaned and grabbed my ass. "But I'm not ready."

"I hate this. You're gonna give me so many boners." I laughed and reached over to my nightstand. I grabbed a picture and handed it to him. "When did you take this?" He asked as he examined the sexual picture.

"Couple days ago. I got bored."

"Damn. You should get bored more often." I laughed and kissed his chest.

"There's more, but I will give them to you over time."

"But." I shook my head and smiled. "Were gonna be together for the next 100 years."

"Exactly. So you don't need to have them all or else you'll get tired of them faster."

"I could never get tired of you or these pictures." I rolled my eyes and grabbed a smaller one.

"Keep this one in your wallet. It's very private." I handed him the picture of me, to put it bluntly, jerking off in lingerie. I ran my hand over his bulge and he moaned.

"Damn straight it is." He replied. I giggled and got up. "Where are you going?" He asked as I slid one of his shirts on.

"I'm gonna go talk to Vic." I answered and slid some yoga pants on. "Sort out your problem."

I winked at him and left. I felt bad for leaving him there, but I didn't want to give him another blowjob. I tracked Vic down and he smiled at me. "Hey. How are things?"

"Good. Very good."

"I'm glad."

"What about you?"

"Jaime cheated on me." He whispered.

"What?!" I yelled.

"He banged Jess. She isn't pregnant, thank god, but I heard them talking about it."

"Does he know you know?"

"Maybe. He walked in on me crying my fucking eyes out."

I took him in my arms and hugged him. He cried into my shoulder and Jaime came in. I glared at him. "Why is he crying? Vic, baby, what's wrong?"

"You fucking know what the fuck is wrong! If you want to fuck Jess behind my back, go ahead. Just don't get that fucking bitch pregnant and done expect me to fucking stay with you."

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