Chapter 41

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After I put Gemini to bed I hear out front door knocking. I did not who it was so I grab my sword and move close to the front door and I look to see who it was I saw a woman in black and red clothes"who goes there!?" Enzo said and he yelled at her and she responded " my my are you really gonna talk like that to a like that to a legend Enzo" she said and I said this as I open the the door " ghost assassin"  I said Walking up the step of my old clan it Brought Back my days I seen a light coming from the bedroom guess my daughter was up maybe I should  go talk to her walking over to the door I gave a Soft knock I heard someone coming once the door opened there stood Enzo he looked shocked to see me he yelled at me "My my is that anyway to talk to a Legend and the Mother of your Own Girlfriend "I said to him he looked at My Daughter Then back at Me he loved her it showed "Come in " Enzo spoke to me looking around the room my eyes  landed on a photo of my child with a Beast next to her walking over to the nightstand taking the photo I looked at it then at Him "What is that next to her" I asked he said nothing to me " I asked you a Question it be wise to answer me " I said to him he must have know what was that thing he sat down a sigh coming out of him. I explained the beast that was next to Gemini to her mom "it not a beast it her child Cerberus he died. He not a beast he more like a child to us who we care most of all" Enzo said and told her stories about what had transpired in the past and how they got here today alongside that Enzo Begins to ask question to Gemini mom " in you diary you hid letter there all with Gemini name in what with these why they have her name when she was not even born? As Enzo shows the letter that she wrote to Gemini " or these are codex page to make a map role as us somewhere?" When Enzo told me that was her child I was in shock she was someone mom Enzo told me what Happened that she lost him so young she must loved him Enzo asked about the letter "That was a Code but not for Gemini it was for her Sister if she ever found her " I told him explain what I mean"Long time ago I gave Birth to Gemini her twin sister was out to get her from the day she was Born at the age of Five she Broke gem arm snapping it in half Gemini was the only child that took pain and Laughed at it she was tough when they were about Eighteen years old Nexia her sister stab Gemini in her leg about to kill her before she could I stopped her sending her away was the only thing I could do I sent her to her father but he was Killed By Hades and Hades took her from us now that she safe Nexia will come for her and would not stop because of what she is "I said to him "What is Gemini " he asked me "Half dark angel half wolf she the one thing we Assassinations are ready to Kill she was supposed to have her wings by Now but it had to be the death of her Child that would send her into Nexia Power range " I said to Enzo "How much did she Lover Cerberus?" I asked Enzo. "She love him very much that she would do anything to bring him back" Enzo respond back to her. Enzo and ask two more question that he did not know about " Gemini had a sister but why did u hide the letter you wrote in your diary" as Enzo explains how he found them all that she wrote and explained to her about how he got them " and one more thing why did u go into hiding for so many year why now you showed up?" Enzo ask her and hoping that he can get all of his answer question. I knew one day I would  tell her too " Because of Hades he was Hunting me down to end of the world he would not stop when my Daughter came to me I was happy but also worried about Hades finding her too Even Nexia but when she told me about you I knew she was Safe I have to go now thank you for our time " I said walking out of the room down the steps my daughter need her Son walking down the hall I seen the clan Loved him as much as she did walking out into the woods I Called my Husband "You know it bad to that " he said to me he still looked the same " Why didn't you tell me she had a child he died " I said to him " There nothing you can do he can't come back to life " He said to me " Oh Bullshit you Can Bring him back she need him more then anything do you want Nexia Coming for her at a weak time Bring  back her son " I yelled he sighed he knew I was right after a Few Moments he was done lying down in front of me "Hello Cerberus I am your grandma I think your Mom will Be happy to see you again " I said to Him I Sent word for Enzo to come to the Woods and Bring her too . I heard Gemini mom calling for us so I woke Gemini up and we went outside as we walk outside our eye were wide open as we see Cerberus all alive and well Gemini rush over to him and hug up and was crying I walk over the and gm give them a hug " good to have you back son" as I was crying as well to have him back and was looking at the sky where I saw the ghost assassin leavening with a smile on her face and a faint message that she told me " take care of her and I be back soon to see my daughter". And then she vanish like a ghost into the deep woods. Gemini was so happy to Seeger son back that she could not stop crying "come on let's head back inside. As I walked with Grandma she was telling me about How Mommy was doing I did miss my Mommy we got to the edge of the woods I seen Dad too and Mommy stopped in her stop she was still in shock that I was looking back her Using the Mind link "Mommy it me I'm Home " I said to my mom seeing my mom run over and Hug me was one thing warping my big paw around her she was crying so much dad was crying to to we walked back I sat out the bedroom mommy laid a blanket on the ground of Ground of the balcony she was My Mommy I feel asleep after that smiling to be back Home with mom . As the next day past on we can still believe that we saw Cerberus came back to live we all were happy to see him and he was happy to see us as well but as the day came back I sat down with Gemini we we talk " Gemini your mom came by the house last night and we were talking. And she gave a lot of information about you and your past" I explained to Gemini everything that had happen the look she had was shocking that she did not know to to respond to this. After Enzo told me all the information I was stuck one thing was for sure my Mom did what she did to keep me safe but I Have a Sister Nexia from what Enzo told me she was the one who hated me "Did she tell you anything else about me " I asked him pacing back and Forth " You are half Dark Angel but your wings have Not come in and the power you have you sister can feel it " he said to me I didn't know what to say but I knew I had  to find out more about my so Called sister walking out of my bedroom into the study we have in the house I looked for the Family tree she was right next me " if I get My wings she come for me " I said to myself I went back to my bedroom laying down next to my Boyfriend he was sleeping curling up next to him I got up walking over to my Night stand taking out the small box I brought home looking at the ring I got for Him I so lost in thought "What that " he said looking up I put the ring away looking back him "Nothing " I said to him.  I was about skeptical about the ring Gemini took out I did not know it was but I want to find out. When night hits I woke up making sure the she still a sleep  and she was was I took the ring and was having a look at it I was scanning it around and wanted to what this was I never seen a ring like this before. I look at Gemini and went to my work space and look at it closely and saw some writing on I did not know what it said or what it was written in I heard the door open and k saw Gemini so I hit the ring as before she can see it. I woke to see Enzo was gone sighing I hope he didn't find that ring I wanna wait till I'm ready to give him it hopping out of bed I walked over to the kitchen making Breakfast for My Boys they eat after I made breakfast for my Son I put my Love food on a Tray walking to his Office guess he might be there I pushed open the door and seen him looking at Paperwork "Good Morning honey " I said putting his food on his desk Enzo looked up in shock "What all this " he said looking at his Breakfast "Nothing I just wanna make you Breakfast I have to go Cerberus calling me love you " I said walking out of his office Cerberus was Looking at me "Mommy tell him " he said to me "I can't Baby Not yet let's go for a walk ok " I said hopping on Cerberus Back he was quiet for most of the wall must be enjoying himself we got back Home and Enzo was gone I deviced to take a Nap . While sleeping I heard Cerberus talking to someone outside he told me it was Enzo and to go back to sleep so I did. I saw Cerberus and he looks like he wanted to tell me something "what is it Cerberus you want to tell me something. " I want to tell u something about the ring I know u have it with you I saw you picking it up and studying it." Said Cerberus he explains me the ring that Gemini had I was shock that what he said about the ring but the relieved to know what it was. Dad wald back Home so I stopped him I had to tell Him about Mommy ring when he came to he I told him But he didn't really know until I said it "Mommy want to Propose to you " I said dad stopped and Looked at me "that what she got the ring she was going to ask you to marry her Because she loves you she has a Ring too in your drawer I put it there for you to find But that why Mommy got your ring so she can ask you " I told him I knew Mom was sleeping so when dad went to go check on her she was still sleeping I took a Nap too maybe it be good for closing my eyes I feel asleep only praying mommy won't get Mad at me . I told Cerberus this "don't worry your secret's safe with me now take this and put it back before ur mom kills the both of us." As he put back the ring it was night time and I went to bed next to Gemini and and hold her in my arms and we slept peaceful.

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