train ride goes bad

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Henley's pov

Since we work for the eye we don't really

get paid for what we do so we are pretty

short on money. the train ride is 6.50

each and dylan is going to get on the next stop so we have to hurry so we can be on the same train.

"well since we just did a magic show a week ago we still have 50 bucks" james says to us. I feel kind of guilty for using somebody elses money but we don't have a choice. we split the money up, get the tickets and board the train.

lisa pov

I CANT BELIEVE HE GAVE AWAY MY MONEY! ok so this is what happened he used his money to buy some stupid jordans but I didn't spend my half so I just saved it and I didn't have any pockets so I asked james to hold my money and he gives it away!  What? ! see this is why we shouldve just stayed in new York. 

the only reason he gave it away was because he has a huge crush on henley but its obvious Daniel and Henley like each other. Once me and my stupid little brother are alone I will have a "little chat" with him.

Merritt pov

these new magicians are a big help because if they didn't have any money we wouldve had to steal some and that would cause a big scene and to be honest I am very tired of all this bull shit with the eye. Dylan is  always disappearing and we always have to solve all of HIS  problems. 

we are on the train now and it is super packed and I am sitting next to someone who smells hooorribble. I start to fall asleep but then there is a announcement: "Hello everyone we are having some technical difficulties so please stay calm" Wait! I remember that voice, that voice is from that man that kidnapped me the other day and wants to destroy the eye! uh oh...dammit!

hey everyone!  I got 1k reads!! I can't believe it!!! this is amazing so here is some news:

since I have 2 characters how are not in the movie I will add some pics of them next time I update

also I will update soon but I want some feedback plzzzz! 


(I know its short sorry, but I tried ok)

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