James saves the day?

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Merritt pov

Fuck! I can tell everyone in the group

really has no energy to put up a fight. 

"we need a plan fast" daniel said "wait

does anyone have a big long- "yes I have a

very big one" I cut him off to say.

everyone else looks mad at my comment

except james...he is blushing, awww I

just noticed he had dimples. "as I was

saying does anyone have a long bug piece

of metal we might be able to break the

door and get out of here" That might

actually work! James is so smart....'stay

focused Merritt! '  wow i am so confused

.. "I actually do! I have one in my bag" I

say, the whole group looks confuse why I

would have one.... "don't ask why" I say

so they don't get any ideas. I take it out

of my bag and hand it to james.

James Pov

I used to be a very shy person and I still

kinda am but for me and my sisters

safety I had to think of something....I

get the long piece of metal from Merritt

and try to open the door but as I'm doing

it we start to hear people coming our way

SHIT! 'hurry up james, hurry the fuck

up!' I finally get it open and all of us run

out. When we are all out the door closes

again "ya we did it! thx James'' everyone

is cheering and giving hugs. Today

actually turned out to be a good day. As I

turn around I see Merritt and he gives me

a big hug...IT FEELS PERFECT! " you

saved us" he whispers in my ear " i-it was

big deal" I reply as I blush.... he lets me

go and winks at me as he walks away.

Dylan pov

I just got a call from the gang saying

that they got trapped on a train but

our new member saved them so there

meeting me at McDonald's. Great! 

because I am starving, we should

probably fly to Egypt right after we meet

and after we eat. I head over to

McDonald's to get ready to eat and plan!

how do u like it? i know I didn't get three

comments but I really wanted to update. .

do u like how I double spaced it? tell me

your thoughts! share this story plz and

like I always say comment! update soon

:) bye

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