Chapter Eight: Castle of Darkness

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     Avistus ignores Victoria as she stays sitting on the ground where he threw her. Schon gets out of his vehicle and stares daggers of rage at Avistus. "Who do you think you are puny angel?!" Schon leaps into the air so fast that Victoria has no clue where he went. After a couple of moments, she begins to hear the whistle of something breaking through the sky. Looking up in worry, she sees Schon flying towards Avistus.

     Schon's face is enraged as he drools and his teeth become rows of sharp razors. "Avistus!" Victoria calls desperately to him, worried for his safety as Schon is just inches from the angel. With one simple, smooth movement Avistus side steps the would be attack from Schon. The furious creature slams into the hard road and Victoria gasps as she can see Schon's bone.

     "Th-this is enough you two!" She screams wanting to close her eyes and make this all go away. Seeing the blood flow like a river from the chunk of meat hanging where the left side of Schon's face use to be makes her light headed and she vomits. "I have been admitting it, but to actually see that they aren't human. How is he even still moving? His face is completely ripped apart!" As her mind runs wild with fear, confusion and theories, Schon continues his attack.

     No matter how hard Schon lunges, punches, claws and snaps at Avistus he can't seem to land a hit. "Be still and fight you cowardice scum!" he spits angrily at the angel. "Why should I fight you? All I want is Victoria." he replies calmly. Victoria feels that she should get up and run to Avistus. Yet she stays where she is for fear that Schon will use the distraction to hurt Avistus.

     "I'll never let you have her, you disgusting servant of God!" Schon hisses at Avistus through clenched teeth. "She won't be safe with you Schon." "The witch is mine, angel of light. And not even she can do anything about it!" In one fell swoop, Schon scoops Victoria up into his arms. "Schon, I don't want to go with you right now, I'm a little scared." she states calmly to the enraged person before her.

     "Too bad, you were always mine whether you wanted to be or not. I will have what it is I want from you." Victoria stares back at Avistus with an expression of regret as Schon flies off with her. Avistus is upset with himself. How could he let Schon take her like that? He thinks to himself angry with his lack of prowess. However, Avistus realizes that had he made a move against Schon while he had Victoria, she could have been killed.

     Avistus instead disappears like a puff of wind. "Avistus, I'm sorry. If he tries to take my power, I will kill myself. There is no need to worry, I won't let you rot in hell forever." as Victoria thinks this, she wills with all her might for Avistus to hear her and hopes he does. She closes her eyes in defeat and tries to calm herself. To her surprise, she hears "Don't be stupid" in her head and looks around unsure of where the angel's voice came from.

     "Don't worry, I've grown quite fond of you." Schon's voice rings in the soft, calm tone she's use to. Victoria remains silent, terrified of the creature and it's anger. "You haven't asked me yet you know?" "Asked you what?" she replies with a shaky voice. "What I am. It's okay, I won't be offended. Of course if you aren't ready to hear, that's okay as well." She looks at him unsure but decides to act as normal as possible and continues with her question.

     "What are you Schon?" she asks honestly curious but secretly terrified. "I am a demon." he replies casually, as if it's the most obvious and normal thing in the world. Victoria had thought that Schon might be a demon but she didn't truly want to believe it. Her heart all but stops when he openly admits it and she vomits once again.

     "Is the flight making you sick? he questions with a concerned tone. However, Victoria knows that a demon doesn't really feel any compassion. Hate, lust, jealousy and power are all they crave. She is astonished that he is so proficient in acting like a typical, rich, learned man that her head spins. "What if I had never known. What if I never knew Avistus and he never warned me. Schon and I, we could be together, I would have never known. We could have even conceived." she stops her thought abruptly. "But you do have Avistus and you know what Schon is and everything will be okay..I hope." This calms her very little but at least keeps her from screaming in terror.

The Curse of the Blood Moon: The Beginning of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now