Chapter 1

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© Copyright - All rights reserved 2016 GwenniePoo - G. McCoy

A/N: So this is my first story.... Ever on Wattpad! Hope you like it! I know this gets annoying, but please comment and tell me if it's so far good :) The book trailer I created is on the right-side. I hope you enjoy.




"Ring, Ring!" My phone goes off while I'm finally about to comfortably, lie in my bed. I knew I should have turned it off... I turn to the clock on my dresser and it's almost 12:30 am. I glance at the phone annoyingly and realize my best friend, Brianne is calling. I wonder what she wants this late of night.

Sluggishly lifting myself up, I regret even taking this call. "Whaaat?" I say as my eyes drooping to close.

"Oh. My. Gosh! Stephanie, you're not going to believe this!" She is practically screaming through the phone.

"This better be good or you're dead." I say sarcastically, hoping it would be.

"Guess who's coming to our school!"


"Edwin Jameson!"

Brianne and I have been best friends ever since 4th grade. This guy that she speaks of, Edwin Jameson, and I were best friends way back in 5th grade... I secretly had the hugest crush on him and never told anyone but Brianne. And then, only two years later he up and left. I never got to tell him how I felt about him. 

"...... Brianne?" I say almost getting angry for telling me something that wasn't on my death wish list. Did she really have to tell me this at 12:30, right when I'm about to lay in my comfy bed? For crying out loud. "You called me this late at night to tell me this because ....?"

"Didn't you like him in 7th grade?" She asks.

"No!" I yell wondering why I'm still on this phone.

"... Yes you did! You guys always talked up until 7th grade! What happened with that by the way? I thought you guys still talked after he moved away?"

"Ye-e-e-sh, Brianne! This couldn't wait till the morning?"

"Nah, you know I-" she says annoyingly.

I don't hear the rest of her chatting because I hang up on her. I put my phone on vibrate and throw it on the counter not caring if I broke it. If Edwin really was coming to our school, I didn't want to look terrible. Not that I cared or anything, but I haven't seen him in almost three years. Three years! I wonder what he looks like. Is he cuter? Is he taller? I wonder if he ever thinks about me. Wait! No I don't! I don't like him... not like that in anyway. I just hope that he'll recognize me so it wouldn't be so awkward when we saw each other...

I roll over in my bed and finally close my eyes to sleep.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of waffles and homemade candied ham. Delish! It's probably my older sister, Amy cooking like she does whenever she's off work and not at college. I get out of bed and walk into my closet thinking of something nice to wear. Not to impress Edwin, of course, but ... I don't want to look bad for this ... first impression in 3 years. I stare at the large closet for something pink. After about ten minutes I take my hot pink V-neck t-shirt, throw on my ripped jeans, and slip on my silver diamond flip-flops Amy gave to me as a present. Diamonds... well, cubic zirconia are a girl's best friend.

After finally washing up and getting dressed, I brush and straighten my hair putting one side behind my ear and a pink clip to hold it back. I look over myself a few times and I know I finally look fabulous! I skip makeup because honestly, I don't need any. Usually, on special occasions, I did the mascara and lip-gloss. For school? I never need any. After all, there's no one to impress...

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