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helloooo :)


*Liam's POV*

I am closer to you than ever. It's fun how people don't see what's right in front of them


"Who is RedAce?" I jerked around to see Louis, peering over my shoulder, his eyes running over my phone screen. My heart started beating faster than ever because fuck I should have checked if I was alone or not. 

"N-No one" I said as I locked my phone and quickly shoved it back into my pocket. 

I walked past Louis and walked into my room, instantly regretting not closing the door because Louis walked in right behind me. A frown on his face. 

"Liam, I am not asking for you to tell me every single lie you can come up with" Louis said as he closed the door behind me with his foot. He walked forward, his hand on his hip as he stared hard at me. 

"I am not lying!" I said as I turned away. I didn't want him to look me in the eye. He would just know. 


My eyes widened and my heart thumped loudly against my chest and I could still feel Louis' eyes burning into me. 

"Hand me your phone" Louis demanded as he walked and stood right over me. 


"Your phone, now!" Louis ordered. I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. I watched him with wide eyes as he unlocked my phone and his eyes ran through my text. I hope I was at least one bit lucky and it was Harry who texted me and not RedAce but I was always unlucky. 

Think it's time to tell him, babe


Louis read out, my eyes nearly falling out my sockets. He was there, watching me right now. Watching Louis and I in my room. 


"Louis, please don't jus-"

"No, you are going to answer some of my questions. Who the fuck is RedAce?" Louis asked as he scrolled through my phone, his hand stopping on every text that I had recieved from RedAce. 

"I don't know" I mumbled, pulling my phone out of his fingers. 

"What do you mean you don't know. Can you stop ly-"

"I am not lying!" I exclaimed as I got up from my bed and started pacing in front of Louis who was huffing and snorting angrily. "Look, someone's been texting me and I have no idea who it is...but this person whoever it is has be-"

"Has been what?" Louis asked. 

"They are following me around, watching me. Every single second of the day" I said, earning a gasp from Louis as he grabbed my wrist, stopping me from pacing and turned me around so that I was facing him. 

"Are you trying to say...?"

"I have a stalker, a very scary one. God, I don't even know what to do anymore" I sighed as I leaned into Louis' touch, placing my chin on his shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell?" Louis mumbled into my hair, his hands rubbing my back gently. 

"I didn't want you guys to get involved. Trust me, I thought this was nothing at first but every single minute I get texts and it's scary, Lou" I heard Louis sigh against me, his hands finally stopping and wrapping around my waist. 

"You are my best friend, Liam and I have been watching you for ages. Gosh, I should have noticed this before" He said, anger clear in his voice. 

"You can't do anything!" I said as I pulled away from him. 

"When did it start?"

"On my birthday, a month ago. That was when the first text came and since then they have never stopped" I informed. 

"This guy is in so much shit when I find out who he is" 


Okay....So this chapter is really short and I am sorry for that but I just wanted a filler chapter where I can tell you what is actually going on in the story. I hope this gave you guys a better idea about what exactly the story is about and what is happening. 

And now Louis knows...haha, let's see how it goes from here.

Again sorry for the short chapter and i hope it was okay. 


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