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helloo :)

So here's your second update of the week as promised. Thanks for all the feedback on the previous chapter. 

Chapter 7 :) Enjoy!


*Liam's POV*

The chances of RedAce actually turning up were very low, I didn't know if he was actually going to be. He probably knows about mine and Zayn's date. 

"You okay?" Zayn asked, speaking for the first time since we got into the car.

"Fine" I replied, with a slight nod. 

I couldn't tell Zayn about RedAce, that was a big NoNoNo. I am sure Zayn doesn't want to go out with someone who has a crazy stalker and I certainly don't want Zayn to walk out on our first date. So I am keeping it quiet. 

I pulled out my phone to check for any new texts from RedAce but nothing. 

Sighing, I pushed my phone back and tapped my foot against the base of the car instantly catching Zayn's attention, he frowned and gave me a confused look.

"Why are you so nervous?" He asked, he stopped the car and I realized that he had stopped right before Achilles. 

"I am not nervous" I laughed as we got out. Zayn pushed his car keys in to coat pocket before he turned to me, grabbing my hands and kissing it softly. He winked, his usual smirk growning on his face as we stepped in. 

Zayn shrugged off his coat as soon as we got in, while I looked around quickly. First thing I realized, I had no idea what RedAce looked like so looking out for him is going to be a lot harder than I had thought. 

"Hello, how can I help you?" A waiter stopped before us, offering us both a smile. 

"Reservation under Malik" Zayn replied. 

" table no. 6"

"Cool thanks" Zayn grumbled. He grabbed my hand again and dragged me over to the table nicely decorated in the corner, near the glass window. I was looking around the restaurant again, looking for any one that looked a bit creepy or something.

Zayn and I settled down opposite each other. Zayn going straight for the menu. I was about to grab it too when my phone beeped. 

I froze, my hand still in mid air about to grab the menu. Zayn looked up and frowned, coughing slightly to snap me out.

"Are you going to get that?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah" I nodded. I pulled my phone out of my pocket for the second time, this time swiping it unlock and tapping on the new text notification. 

Look great, babe. Love how those jeans fit you perfectly ;)


I instantly paled, phone nearly slipping out of my hands. I snapped up, eyes roaming around again just to see if anyone was looking at me but just Zayn, who was looking at me with a frown again. 

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine, just fine" I locked my phone and slammed it down on the table, sighing in annoyance. Zayn gave me an amused look and grinned, "What?"

"You are unbelievably cute even when you are angry" He replied, winking. Before I could blush and reply, the waiter from earlier was back with a small booklet. 

"Your order, please" Zayn ordered for himself and then proceeded to order for me too. 

"How did you know I was going to order that?" I asked.

"Oh- I don't know. Just guessed" He replied, with a small shrug. 

Zayn and I slipped into a smooth conversation after that. I tried to put all my attention on the date knowing that RedAce most probably just gave me false hope. I knew he wasn't in front of me, he was probably hiding in the shadows watching me. But I didn't want to think about him. Just Zayn. 

After we finished, Zayn decided to go and pay (I insisted on paying but Zayn refused, giving me a hard glare until I gave in and agreed). Taking the chance, I slipped into the toilets and dialed Louis' number. 

"Hey Li? Wassup?" Louis' voice was raspy and I realized I probably woke him up one of his evening naps. 

"Sorry Lou for waking you up but he's not here. He knows I am here but he's not here and fuck, I am really confused" I rambled on, clutching the phone tightly against my ear. I bit my lip and moved away from the mirror. 

"Who's not there?" Louis asked, confusion leaked in his voice. 

"RedAce! Who else?" I sort of yelled into the phone, rolling my eyes. 

"Oh! Wait he's not there?" Louis asked, I heard some shuffling coming through the phone before I heard light footsteps, "But didn't he tell you meet up at Achilles at 7?"


I stopped, pulling my phone away from my ear. I was about to turn around because I could have sworn that the door to the toilet had opened but a rough hand trapped me, preventing me from even moving any further. 

Another hand slapped over my mouth before I felt some one lean down to my ear, warm breath hitting my ear, damping it slowly. 

"You wanted to meet me didn't you? See who was bothering you all day long? Well here I am" the voice whispered. 

My eyes went wide as I realized whose arms I had wrapped around me in that moment -RedAce. 


I was really excited for this chapter but I don't think it turned out that good...not so happy with it. 

but yeah hope it wasn't completely horrible. 


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