Chapter 1

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Studying abroad is a very big thing. Yeah it is a dream you can tick fulfilled from your bucket list, but nonetheless it scares you and leaves you very distressed. But there is one thing in particular that bothers you the most, (U/N) had a policy which forced you into living in a flat located in the school grounds, and you are not the type of person to be fond of having to craft new relationships with complete strangers, I mean sure it's not THAT bad, yet it's not your cup of tea you'd be seen crazing about.

But anyways, you are currently studying abroad in (U/N) which is located in Tokyo. You can understand Japanese quite well, but when it comes to speaking it you don't really excel at it, and reading it? Oh heavens let's not talk about that. Luckily you are going to be assigned to a Japanese roommate so you hope to improve for the time being.

-Name?- The lady at the front desk asked. - (L/N) (F/N) - -Here, these are your keys, your flat is located in the 12th floor, its number 17, if you have any complaints please be patient, we take in almost about 30 per day.- I nodded my head and then proceeded to go towards the stairs. Of all the rooms I could've gotten, it had to be on the 12th floor... I sighed.

Every step I gave towards the end of the hall, I could feel how my stomach revolted on its different emotions, as if it felt I were going to renew my life but destroy it at the same time.

The door was still locked, that meant that my roommate hadn't arrived before me, and that gave me plenty of time to settle in before any disruptions came my way. The flat was a little small, but it had a great view towards the college's grounds, specially the gardens. I chose the bed located to the room on the right by the entrance , and when I could finally sit on my new bed I let my bags fall to the ground. I sighed.

I should go check the bulletin board, I thought. Normally whenever a new semester starts here, a welcoming party in sororities is held so the newcomers can adjust as fast as possible. If anything was going to be held, it was for sure to be pasted there.

I lazily stood up and made my way towards the door, but just as I reached for the handle, the door pulled back on its own.

- Wha-?

- Oh...Kombanwa, you must be(l/n) (f/n) right?-

- Uh yeah...-

A small smile illuminated his face, as he extended his hand as if he wanted to shake mine.

- Well then, hello (y/n), I'm Tachibana Makoto-

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