Chapter 13

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**Trigger Warning: Drugs, sexual references, and coarse language**

A/N: Anyone who wants to skip the sex scene between Vero and Lauren keep and eye out for the three sirens at the beginning and end of the scene 🚨

Camila's heart had completely stopped. She could see her – she could fucking see her Lolo dying in front of her very eyes. Lauren had been a large part of her entire life and now suddenly having to contemplate what it would be without her shook Camila to her core. A year or two ago, Camila would have rejoiced at the notion of a Lauren-free life, so it was a revelation for Camila to conceive that she may in fact miss having the infuriating girl around.

Worry, frustration, concern, care, hate, pity, sympathy, jealousy, love... Lauren had evoked the entire spectrum of emotions from Camila throughout their life. It was as if the flood gates in her brain had been released and a tsunami of memories and emotions were colliding with her consciousness. Yet there were only three emotions that prevailed above the rest, three emotions Camila had vowed to never feel again: heartbreak, devastation and utter helpless despair.

It was finally, with this onslaught of raw emotion, that it hit her; despite everything that had happened in their lives, she was still in love with Lauren. She always had been. It was as if a part of her had always belonged to the green-eyed girl; a part that could never be sold or returned. Lauren was in possession of a piece of her heart, which – as she lay dying – was dying along with her. 

Not for the first time tonight, Camila wanted to cry. She wanted to cry in frustration, she wanted to cry in pity, she wanted to cry in anger, and most of all she wanted to cry in realisation. The irony of it all felt like continual slaps to her face and a knife driven into her soul. It felt as though her relationship with Lauren was like some big cosmic joke, there for some twisted version of divine entertainment.

Unbeknownst to Camila for all these years, her child counterpart had always clung to the slight hope that her feelings would one day be returned. Back then, it had been too painful to confront the turmoil that those feelings had manifested, so they had been forgotten, blanked out of her conscious memories. Yet that hope and love had always been buried beneath her subconscious, awaiting the perfect moment to resurface, but unfortunately, they couldn't have picked a worse time.

Lost to the mayhem that was her current mind, Camila had no cognition of reality. As soon as the word "Lauren" had left the Unknown girl's lips, she had scrambled over to the bed. Camila's eyes never left Lauren as she continued to shake the semi-conscious girl, shouting a endless torrent of tormented pleas. Tears streaked down her face as if they were mapping the road to misery and ruination down her face. 

"Please Lauren..." she sobbed, grasping clammy cheeks tinged a deathly blue. Shallow breaths, clasping hands and weakly fluttering eyes was her only response as she wept. Camila placed gentle kisses to Lauren's brow and eyes whilst whispering her empty pleas and prayers.

"A kiss is meant to wake up the princess!" her voice cracking during the anguished cry. Camila placed her own trembling lips desperately against the trembling blue ones belonging to the girl beneath her. She did it again and again, over and over as her tears spilled over onto Lauren's own cheeks. "Come on Lolo, I'm begging you! Please....." Her voice was shaking uncontrollably at this point. "I– I can't lose you. Not after everything..."

"Ca...m? Pl..s..." Camila's heart leapt at the barely decipherable words. But it was as if the universe had given her hope just to watch it be crushed in the most vicious manner. Her heart exploded into a million pieces as those gorgeous irises disappeared into back of her skull. Lauren's body went completely limp in Camila's arms.

The Party (GxG) (Camren) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now