Chapter 20

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"What do you mean you helped Lauren plan this big thing for Camila?!"

"Well she wanted to give them a go, ya know? Tonight is the last night Camila is in Miami, so we decided to plan 'the perfect date'. Trust me, Mila is going to absolutely love it. If she wasn't already in love with Lauren, she would be falling for her on the spot." Normani explained, her excitement practically making her bounce on the spot. They were both sitting on Dinah's bed facing one another with their legs overlapping by each others sides.


"What do you mean fuck? Trust me, it's really cute."

"Because me and Milz planned for her to serenade Lauren and do this whole overnight romantic beach trip. She knows this girl, Keana, who was willing to lend her place out along the beach for them. Fuck!" Dinah explained, before again adding the expletive on the end.

"Oh shit."

"Yeah, tell me about it!"

"Well what do we do?" Normani asked herself as much as her girlfriend sitting across from her.

"I have no fucking clue... You said Lauren had this huge thing planned?" Dinah questioned curiously, her voice laced with guilt.

"Yeah. It took us the entire day to setup, and we even enlisted her mum into the 'date planning' ranks of Operation Mila. Lauren's been waiting for Sinu's phone call for the 'go-ahead'."

"Fuck. We didn't even tell Sinu, either. I think Camila just told her that she 'had plans'."

"Lauren will be so fucking crushed. What do we do?" her worried tone feeding the exponentially growing tension in the room.

"I don't know. I mean if we could talk to Camila's mum, maybe she could help. Did you happen to get her number?" Dinah asked, as her mind was churning through ideas as fast as a kid eats it's way through candy.

"Nope. I really wish I had, though."

"Damn. Okay, well I think Camila's date plans can be rescheduled to another day. I'm assuming Lauren's setup is only temporary?"

"Yeah, definitely," she answered, trying to keep up with Dinah's train of thought.

", I don't know whether this will work considering how stubborn that girl is, but it's worth a try. I'm going to ring her to tell her that I have a better idea for a surprise first date tomorrow and try to convince her to cancel tonight's plans. I'll also use the argument that Lauren might not feel up to going out at the moment," Dinah explained. A mix of hopeful excitement and frightened anxiety swirled around in the pit of her stomach.

Normani nodded fervently. "Okay, sounds good. I hope this works, otherwise it is going to be a messy and confusing night."

Dinah waited for several moments as the phone rang. She hung up before the annoying message-bank could even attempt to persuade her to leave some kind of betrayed message. Her and Normani shared a frightened glance, both of them feeling the enormous pressure.

"Try again," Normani demanded, her voice lacking the mass of emotions that were overwhelming her body. "She might not have heard."

Dinah tapped the call symbol once again, mumbling under her breath, "Come on Walz, pick up!"

They waited, listening impatiently to the dial tone and just when they thought that Camila would never pick up, her voice traveled along the line. "Hey Dinah, what's up?"

"Oh, uh, hi Walz! How's it all going so far?"

"Yeah, good! My mum really pissed me off earlier, I don't know. She told me that I wasn't allowed to go out because of family time or some shitty reason. But it's fine, she's going to have to deal with it," Camila explain, her tone hinting at the slight annoyance that still lingered in the back of her mind.

The Party (GxG) (Camren) **EDITING**Where stories live. Discover now