eighteen | real life

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SAYING THAT DANIELLE was anxious would be like saying that Steve Rogers loved freedom. She was beyond anxious, always playing with her fingers, or scratching her face, something she did when she was excited.

"Would you stop it? I'm gonna have to re-do your make up if you keep scrathing your face." Jenny hissed from her right. She had insisted that she took Dany there, in case she tripped or fell and couldn't make it to the cafe.

"What are you nervous about anyway? You know the guy. You've been talking to him for 4 months. You're just gonna learn what he looks like."

"Right, there's nothing to be nervous about. I'm just going to see him." She said, trying to calm herself.

She looked up to see that they had reached their destination, Cupcakes and Cookies were just in front of them.

"Well, this is it. Good luck." Jenny said. She quickly hugged her, then turned back and started walking. Dany watched her as she got smaller, then she was out of her sight completely.

She sat down on the bench in front of the cafe, Tom and her had agreed to meet there.

She took out her phone and texted him.


hey i'm already here
when are you coming?

i'm getting close
there's a little trafic


IN TRUTH, TOM was just around the corner, preparing himself to finally meet Danielle in person. He realised, that this could end in two ways, Dany being really happy to know who he was, or her getting mad at him for not telling her who he was, and never speaking to him again. Tom wouldn't let it be the latter.

Even though they'd never talked in person, Tom was sure that he was completely in love with her, and wouldn't lose her because some stupid anger.

He let out a breath, and took out his phone.


just behind u!


DANY'S PHONE CHIMED and she looked at the text. Her breath got caught in her throat. She slowly got up, and turned around.


so yeah, this is it. they're meeting and part one is over. i'm so excited

undeniable | tom hollandWhere stories live. Discover now