twenty | multi

8.7K 217 190

[text message between tom and dany❤️]

READ 17:36
READ 17:36
please don't
READ 17:37
you're right
READ 17:37
i should have told you
READ 17:38
i'm sorry
READY 17:39


DANIELLE SIGHED AS she read the texts Tom had sent her. She was back at home, in her room and she really didn't know what to do. She probably would have continued sulking if her bedroom door hadn't opned and a very excited Jenny came rushing in.

"What happened? Is he cute? Please tell me he's cute!" Dany opned her mouth to speak, then frowned.

"How the hell did you get in? Mom and Robin aren't home. No one could have let you in."

"I know. I used the spare key under the mat." Jenny said, matter of factly.

"You know about that?" Dany sighed, then shrugged, Jenny couldn't do them any harm.

Jenny jumped on the bed, and Dany had to move so she wasn't crushed by Jenny.

"So, how did it go? Was he cute? Was it magical? Did you run towards eachother and hug in the middle of the street and everyone cheered?" Jenny asked, her eyes sparkling wit excitement. Danielle almost laughed at her friend.

"No, it wasn't like that at all. And it definitely wasn't magical." Dany said, emphasizing the word magical. Jenny frowned.

"Wait, what?"

"I'll tell you, but right now, I really need food."


A GASP ESCAPED Jenny's lips when Dany told her who Tom actually was. 

"So, the guy you've been talking to for 4 months is actualy Peter Parker?"

"Can you think about how I felt? I've never felt so emberrased in my whole life!"

"What about that play in the second grade?" Jenny asked her with a smug smirk on her face. Dany dropped her fork and pointed an accusing finger to Jenny.

"That was your fault and we agreed never to talk about that again!" Jenny started laughing but stopped as soon as Dany sent her a glare.

"Anyway, what happened after that?"

"Well, I turned around to leave but he caught my arm and pulled me and our faces were like really close but I turned around and these guys were running towards him so I got back home."

"How close?"

Dany took her best friends face in her hands and pulled her face so close that they almost kissed. "This close."

"Idiot" Jenny whispered. Dany let go of her face and returned back to her food.

"Why? Because I stood by my principals? Because I didn't let my pride vanish at the sight of him?"

"No, because you turned down one of your favorite actors because of your 'principals' " Dany shrugged, she didn't want to show Jenny that she was sad about that and show her that she was right.

"Andrew Garfield was a better Spiderman anyway."


oh my god, ı seriously updated? but it's been so long!

ugh, i just started school and they're giving us so much homework that this is probably the first time i even opened wattpad in two weeks. i probably won't be able to update quickly if they go on like this because i want to focus on school this year, but i'll try my best at the weekends.

oh, and thank you soooooooooo much for 1K, i'm still suprised this even got farther than 600 reads. love you!

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