Chapter 11: The Truth

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With Jones transformed back into a human, Ophelia's mission was also accomplished. After that, they both accompanied each other to return back to the station.

"You know what, Lia? I really want to enjoy a cup of coffee and some cookies right after we get back to the office!" spoke Jones as he held Ophelia's hand, winking at her.

"Right, me too!" responded Ophelia, beaming sweetly at her boyfriend when her cellphone rang inside her handbag. "Oops, my cellphone is ringing!" said Ophelia as she stopped to take out her phone and answered the call from Ramirez.

'Hey Ramirez!" she chirped.

"Ophelia, Chief King asked me to call you. He said that you've been away from the station for a long time. Oh, and have you found Jones yet?" questioned Ramirez on the other side.

"Well..." replied Ophelia, before handing Jones her phone to ask him to answer Ramirez's question.

"Hello, Ramirez?'' answered Jones as he placed the phone near his ears.

'WAH! Y-You're still alive, Jones! I thought you're gone forever!" exclaimed a shocked Ramirez when he heard Jones speaking. "A-anyway, Chief King ordered you both to see him after you go back to the Headquarters. See you!" added Ramirez. Then, the call was hung up.

"Come on, let's go! Chief King wanted to see us both! I hope it won't be something bad...'' said Jones, and they both sped up to go back to the Police Station.

Back to the station, both of them immediately reached Chief King's office and Jones knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Upon hearing Chief King's reply, he pushed open the door and both of them marched inside.

As usual, Chief King was sitting upon the big, black leather seat behind the wooden desk with a shiny name tag that wrote his initials and his position on it. But he wasn't alone, standing beside him were two old ladies, with one of them was Rosie Yang, the fortune-teller Ophelia met a while ago, who was still in her frilly top and her tan pants.

"Hello Detective Ophelia. We meet again." Rosie grinned once she spotted Ophelia and Jones.

"Rosie?!' gasped Ophelia, "Why are you here? And who is the lady beside you?" thought Ophelia, while Jones was really shocked when he spotted the other old lady with flowing grey hair and moon-shaped face, donning in a crimson red shirt and a pair of black trousers, she was also wearing black shoes too.

"She's the...old lady I met in the afternoon who" whispered Jones nervously, while leaning over to Ophelia after he noticed the glaring old lady.

"Actually, I'm here to thank you all first for helping my twin sister, Janet Yang. She had her own bag snatched away by a victorious robber this afternoon, But all's well that ends well, some cops had already caught the thief and her properties were all saved." answered Rosie, while holding her twin sister by her side, who was still glaring at Jones and Ophelia.

"And..." she continued to explain, "Before that, she told me that a helpful inspector, who witnessed the robbery tried to help her to catch the wretched thief, but when he failed to do so, she put a spell on him to turn him into an animal as a punishment. I didn't realize that the poor guy was Inspector Jones until after this young detective told me that her partner is missing this afternoon and after I helped her to predict his whereabouts with the power of fortune telling. Therefore, I would like to apologize to you both for all the troubles my sister has caused. "explained Rosie, then she later bowed to Chief King, Jones and Ophelia, while her sister was still acting pettish.

"I see...''nodded Chief King, before turning to the two officers and asked them. "Alright, so Ophelia, Jones, will you accept their apology?"

"We accept your apology." replied Ophelia, with a small smile towards Rosie and Janet. "Ain't it?" she gently nudged Jones.

"Oh! Uh... I also accept this apology..." stammered Jones. "But next time you don't need to use any curses...."

"I see, thanks for all your help, you both were kind angels! Excuse me, we both need to go! Hope I can meet you both someday! See you!" grinned Rosie brightly, as she nodded to Ophelia and Jones before dragging a grumpy Janet away from King's office.

"I think you need to eat less and exercise more if you want to avoid this kind of situation, Jones.'' murmured Chief King. "But hopefully, Ophelia is here to get you. Now, since you both don't have nighttime duties assigned tonight, you both are free to go and don't forget to arrive on time tomorrow!" reminded Chief King.

"Yes, sir!" replied the both before they proceed to leave the office.

A/N: Sorry for a late update! I need to attend various orientation programs organized by the college... and the epilogue will be here soon~~

Ciao! ;)

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