1. Surprises

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The sounds of the bustling city streets flourished through Deven's ears just like they always do at another day at the office. He'd been dealing with the same noise, the same people, and the same company for almost two years now, and soon he'd be the head of all of it, well, almost all of it. He was anxiously waiting for the call that would change his life forever.

Deven leaned back in his office chair, making the hinges squeak in response, and propped his feet up on his desk. Waiting, waiting, waiting, and more waiting, that's all he'd been doing lately. He had already finished his reports a week early, and he had already taken his lunch break, so there wasn't any possible chance that he could leave the building without giving his boss, Bridgette Lucas, a good excuse, but there was only an half an hour before work was over. Couldn't hurt to suffer through thirty minutes of boredom, right?


"There's got to be something I can do around here..." He wondered to himself whilst fiddling with one of his fountain pens. His eyes wandered to the small bundle of pictures that sat atop his desk. He picked the closest one up, a photo of his fiancé, Robin. It was only two days ago when he popped the question, and boy was he nervous. He was glad that his high school sweetheart had said yes, though. Out of the blue, a fellow co-worker of his popped his head through his office door.

"Hey, Dev." He greeted.

"Oh, hey Phred." Deven responded. Humphrey, or Phred as everyone at work likes to call him, was one of his closest friends. They've known each other since they met back in high school. "You need something?"

"Well, Henry and I were wondering if you wanted to tag along for smoothies later after work. You in?" Humphrey asked. Deven really wasn't a fan of hanging out with Henry, whenever they went somewhere, he was the kind of person to try and pickup women. Let's just say, Henry was a very lonely person, in desperate need of a girlfriend.

"Is there anyone else going?" Humphrey nodded.

"Hunter, Alexa, Jenna, Demetrius, Gabriella, Brianna, and Gwen." He told him. [A/N, yes, yes I did just do that.]

"Yeah, sure. I'll come." He agreed. "Who's buying, though?"

"About that..." Humphrey chuckled nervously. "We were, uh, kinda hoping that you could ask Bridgette to pay for everything..."

"You're kidding, right? She'll tear me apart!" Deven complained. Humphrey pulled a puppy dog face, pleading that his friend would go through with it. Deven looked away and said 'no way.' multiple times, but he eventually caved in and agreed.

"Awesome! You're the best, Dev!" He exclaimed and headed out the door to call everyone else.

Deven let out a sigh and went to his boss's office to plead his case. He knocked on her, wooden, blue door and waited for her permission to enter.

"Come in!" She called. He pushed the door open and gave a weak smile. Bridgette got up and walked over to him. "What's the problem, Deven?" She questioned. He shifted his body a bit.

"Some of the guys were wondering if the company could pay for smoothies tonight after work." He confessed. She looked him straight in the eye.

"Smoothies? You want me to pay for smoothies?" She giggled and placed her hands on her hips, causing her yellow like, blonde hair, to move. "I don't know if you noticed, but I run a televised network, that makes over one hundred million dollars a year. I'm working my butt off so none of you have to work overtime. I don't have time to go out and pay for worthless smoothies." She drawls. Bridgette walks back to her desk.

"Yes, I know, but--" She sharply turns back around.

"But? But?! If you weren't getting that promotion and you weren't my most productive worker, I would fire you right now." His heart skipped a beat. He had gotten the promotion?! That meant that he was now the Vice President of Just Right Industries, but he also almost got fired, which wasn't good at all...

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