2. Flower Power

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Deven's alarm clock on his phone blared, waking him up immediately. He would've set his normal alarm clock, but it was broken for reasons he'd rather not explain, so he used his phone instead. Without thinking, he leaned over and checked the time. 11:35.

Why had he been sleeping so late all of a sudden? It was as if his worrying for a girl that he didn't even know, sleeping in the room across the hall, was actually getting to him. Ever since the day Deven had found the girl, she'd been unconscious, yet responsive. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Summer was long gone, and winter was vastly approaching, and with each minute, he got even more concerned. What if she didn't wake up? What if she was dead? He quickly shook the thought from his head, knowing that she was alive.

He unwillingly got up from underneath his covers and sat on the edge of the bed, yawning and stretching before getting ready for the day. The mattress dipped slightly as he got up off of it, his feet traveled over to his wardrobe, profoundly pulling the doors open. Considering it was lunch with Robin, he would just dress casual.
He picked out a ocean blue T-shirt, and some khaki shorts, then headed to the bathroom for a short shower. As he stepped out into the hallway, he almost tripped on a...vine? He stared down at his feet and, indeed, there were vines and flowers everywhere. In fact, there were flowers were all over the walls.

"What in the world?!" Deven exclaimed. His eyes flowed to where the source of the plants were coming from. Just his luck, they were coming from the guest room. He hurriedly pushed the door open to see the king sized bed covered in pink and white heart shaped roses. The pink haired girl, however, wasn't awake. "Lady, can you knock it off, please?!" He begged while trying to get her awake.

The plants continued to grow, this time almost wrapping themselves around him. Figuring that waking her up would stop all the madness, he kept shaking and poking her. "Come on, come on!" He shouted as the stems began to wrap around his ankles. "You've got to be kidding me!" He began ripping the vines off of him and practically ran to the hallway closet in search of the hedge trimmers. Once he found them he got straight to work preventing the flowers from taking over his abode.


"You're late." Robin annunciated as she watched her fiancé walk over to the table she was able to snag. He sat down in the chair across from her and gave her a sincere expression.

"Sorry, I had some work I had to finish for Bridgette." He fibbed. Deven never really did like lying to Robin, they had promised to build their relationship on the truth, and the truth only, but how could he possibly explain the girl that can make plants grow recovering at his condo?

"She's got you doing extra?" She asked. He nodded slightly.

"Yep. You know Bridgette..." He chuckled awkwardly. "So, did you order yet?" He asked, eager to change the subject.

"Yes, actually. I ordered our usual." She told him. Their usual lunch consisted of a mix of bacon, eggs, and a baked cheeseburger. They accidentally created the meal last year, and ever since then, they've always used it.

"Sounds great." He said with a smile. She smiled back and moved a strand of her raven black hair behind her ear.

Not a moment later, the food arrived. They chatted a bit, talked about the wedding, which was currently scheduled in October of next year, and discussed work. Robin, however, was itching to talk about the open house for the home a few blocks away. She rambled on about how amazing it was for the last six minutes. To her, it was the exact image of her 'dream house', but Deven wasn't exactly a fan of it, but whatever made her happy made him happy, too.

"We cannot be late Wednesday, okay? I really want to ask the realtor about the third bathroom." She reminded him.

"I know, I know." He chuckled. "Calm down." She silently giggled at her over excitement as she listened to his calming words. "We're getting the house, okay?" He told her, placing his hands over hers.

"I know, I'm just so...so...excited!" She exclaimed. "I've always dreamed of a house like this ever since I was a little girl." She sighed optimistically. "I'm so lucky to have this opportunity." He gave her a halfhearted smile.

"Oh, and you, of course." She added. Suddenly her phone rang, but he wasn't able to catch a glimpse of the caller ID. She answered cheerily.

"Hey, what's up?" She asked and then paused so the person on the other end could respond. "Nothing really. Just catching lunch with, Deven."

While he waited patiently for her to finish her conversation, the bill came. He paid for it and left the right amount for the tip.

"Really? That's okay. I can come help if you want." She said into the phone. Her head bobbed forward slightly, "Alright, I'm on my way...okay, bye." Robin ended the call and stared at him.

"What was that about?" He asked. Robin grabbed her purse.

"Ashley needs some help fixing her garden. I guess some raccoons had a field day back there." She stated. Deven frowned a little. "Don't worry, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright. Just be careful." He told her.

"As always, Dev." She said with a giggle. They gave each other a kiss goodbye and went their separate ways.

Deven headed to his car, only to be greeted with a big, fat, parking ticket. "Are you kidding me?!" He yelled while looking the ticket over. Apparently, he was parked in a 'No Parking' zone. Sighing, he placed the ticket in his pocket, and got in the car. 

On his way home he couldn't help but wonder about the stranger, once again. He had hoped that, while he was out, she'd be awake and ready to explain herself, but then there was also a chance that she wouldn't be.

"Relax, Deven, she's fine. If there's a problem, you know where the hospital is." He told himself. Little did he know, he was getting way more than he bargained for.

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