8. If The Shoe Fits

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[Deven's POV]

That was close, too close. I'm sure Robin suspects that something else was going on between the two of us. I know she trusts me, but she might suspect that I'm cheating, which I'm not. Definitely not. I would never do that to her. She's the love of my life! I'm going to marry her and we'll grow old together and all that other, wonderful, stuff. 

Moving past that, I've decided to call C.A. Charlotte while we're in public places or just in town. It doesn't help that her wings disappear and reappear at random times. Why do they do that? When she's on earth, why can't they just disappear for the time being, and then reappear when she goes back to wherever she lives? That would seem like the most logical thing. Speaking of which, I hope she doesn't hurt my wallet too much. 

What's up with women and shoes? 

Charlotte gasps and runs toward the window of the shop. She's amazed by the shoe display before her, I can tell by the way she's peering through the glass. I look down, there's a package. I pick it up and put it under my arm.

"Can we go inside now, Deven?" She asks excitedly. 

I don't say anything, but instead I hold the door open for her. She says a small "thank you", and skips inside; I walk inside. The strawberry blonde from behind the counter is rummaging through a few boxes. She's probably searching for something, or restocking. Oh no, not restocking. I can't already hear my credit card sobbing in despair and emptiness. 

"For the love of Mother Nature! Where did he put it?!" Ashley yells. 

"I'm assuming he left this outside?" I question, holding up a boxed package. Ashley smiles, her green eyes squinting a little. 

"That's the one!" She exclaims, taking the box from my hands, "I ask Hunter to put one thing away, and where do I find it? Outside in the freezing cold! Ugh, I swear something is wrong with that man. Maybe all that meat is going to his head." She rants. 

 "I thought Hunter was still a vegan." 

She's shakes her head and sets the box down on the counter, emptying its contents, "Nope. He went straight back to being an omnivore right after we broke up." 

"Huh. I never would've expected that." 

"I never would've expected him to be gay, either." She adds with a sigh. 

I choke on the air at the sudden revelation, "W-what? He's gay? When did this happen?!" 

She shrugs and starts organizing what was in the box, "That's the reason we broke up. I guess he's been seeing Andrew and trying, 'to figure out who he really was' or some ridiculous crap like that." 

"You broke up because you feel he didn't really love you." Charlotte speaks. She's all the way on the other side of the room, staring blankly at a shoe display. 

"Yes, I suppose you could say that." She laughs angrily, "You know, I had to ask him to marry me. That's not what I wanted. I shouldn't have to do that, he should be the one to, and now here I am, working my butt off 24/7 running this place when he should be helping me."

Ashley rubs her temple, "I almost went back to them, Deven. Almost. That's how hurt I was." 

I frown at the mention of her going back to substance abuse, "You're better than that, Ash." 

"I know, I know, but...I thought about it. I really did." She sighs loudly, "I just want someone who will actually love me and mean it. Is that too much to ask?" 

"You'll find someone." I say in attempt to comfort her. 

Charlotte smirks and turns her head, "Or perhaps you've already found her." 

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