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Part 34 Love At First Sight

~Adrianna's POV~

I wok up before Austin did. I unwound his arms and for the first time he didnt wake up. He looks so cute when he sleeps! I took a picture of him and put it on instagram. Everyone was like thanking me for taking the picture. Haah um ok? I went down in our kitchen and realized we still need to go grocery shopping! Ugh I'm starving! I'm going to run to dunkin' quick.on the drive there I was jamming out to Austin's playlist on my phone. my phone bleeped in the middle of Say Somethin. I expected it to be Austin but it wasn't it was Cody?

Cody: when are you coming back to New York? I miss you.

Me: I have a boyfriend? And I just so happen to be going on tour with him for a year. So I have no idea.

Cody: ok? I was just asking, no need to be a bitch.

Me: I'm not being a bitch? I was just saying.

Cody: whatever Adrianna.

Me: you texted me first so yeah.

Then me phone rung again but this time it was my lovely boyfriend.

Austin: where are you babe? :(

Me: in the line for dunkin! I'm getting us doughnuts. But the line is forever! :(

Austin: hurry back to me!

Me: always<3

Austin: love youu!

Me: Love you too!

I just stopped answering Cody's texts. So annoying. That's when I realized I never really asked my mom if I was aloud to go on tour. I probably should do that. So I called her since I'm going to be in this line for like the next 100 years.

Mom: hello?

Me: mom!

Mom: Adrianna! How are youu?

Me: I'm great!

Mom: that's good!

Me: so mom, Austin asked if I'm aloud to go on tour with him. Is that ok?

Mom: how long is the tour?

Me: about a year.

Mom: what about school?

Me: i could get cyber schooled.

Mom: that's expensive.

Me: well Austin really wants me to come so I'm sure he will pay.

Mom: don't ask him to pay honey. Only of he offers. It's not polite.

Me: ok, but if he does offer am I aloud?

Mom: yes, but only if he offers!

Me: ok! Thanks bye!

Then I finally got up to the window and got our doughnuts.

~Austin's POV~

The house seems so big and lonely without Adrianna here. I don't like it. I'm still laying in bed. I'm not feeling the best, my throat hurts so bad. Then I heard the door slam shut. Yee Adrianna must be home. I heard her coming up the steps.

Adrianna: babe, I got doughnuts!

Me: AHH Yee thanks!

Adrianna: no problem but we need to go grocery shopping!

Me: I know I know, but not today. I don't feel good.

Adrianna: awe! My poor baby!

Me: we should make today our lazy day! Let's just lay in bed and watch movies all day!

Adrianna: deal! Let's do it!

She picked out five different movies step brothers (again), 21 Jump Street, The Last Song, Dear John, and finally Finding Nemo. It's a variety but I like it haha. We laughed so hard during step brother and 21 jump street. She has such an amazing sense of humor! I love it. She cried during the next two. I just laughed at her and she hit my arm.

Me: ow!

Adrianna: don't laugh at me! It's sad!

Me: haha I know, most girls do cry. I dont know why though it's just a movie.

Adrianna: we should have a mud fight! That would be soo fun! You know like how they do in the last song!

I agreed and that's exactly what we did. As soon as it go in her hair she screamed!

Adrianna: AHH MY HAIR!! You're so done!

She ran over to me and smushed it in my face.

Me: awe Adrianna wanna kiss?

Adrianna: no! Get away from me!

I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. We kissed.

Adrianna: alright that's enough! Let's go get showered and then he can go grab something to eat.

Me: ladies first!

Adrianna: why not just shower together? Saves water *she winked*

I didn't decline so that's what we did, then I took her out to Chilis for dinner. What an amazing day with my girlfriend! But my throat is still killing me so bad!

~*~ what do you think is wrong with Austin's throat? ~*~

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