Love At First Sight {Austin Mahone Love Story}

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Okay, so I wrote this story a really long time ago. It's the first Austin Mahone story I've ever written. I am not going to edit it or anything, so whatever i wrote is being uploaded. I am going to uploaded it part by part, but not all today. Maybe like every other or day or something.

Don't jude me on this i wrote lierally forever ago, haha.




Me: Mom, I'm leaving!
Mom: ok, don't stay out too late, Adrianna!
Me: I won't mom I'm just going to the country club to play tennis.
I hopped into my red camaro and drove to the club. I usually go here just to get things off my mind. My dad use to beat my mom when I was little. He finally left us when I was six, my mom is a doctor so we still havemoney. She works late though so I'm home alone most of the time. I am 16 and we live in Miami now. I have about zero friends and I am bullied constantly. I get through it though. I finally pulled into my reserved parking spot and headed to the court. I started hitting the balls. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw a really cute boy standing there just staring. He had light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a decent height. I smiled and then turned back around. I kept hitting the balls until the same boy walked over to me. 
Boy: hi I'm Austin.
Me: um hi? I saw you staring at me.
Austin: I'm sorry I just couldn't keep my eyes off of you. 
Me: that didn't sound creepy at all.
Austin: *he chuckled* so whats your name?
Me: I'm Adrianna.
Austin: that's a pretty name. *i blushed*
Me: thanks. So of you don't mind im gonna keep playing.
Austin: can I play? We could hit it back and forth.
Me: um sure of you want.
We played for a good 2 hours. When we were done he walked over to me.
Me: thanks for playing, I had fun. 
I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm. I turned and looked at him.
Austin: *he blushed* so do you wanna go grab some lunch?
Me: like...a date?
Austin: *he blushed again* umm yeah I guess.
Me: sure, just let me call my mom.
*on the phone*
Me: yes, I know, yes he's cute, I'm not sure, maybe, ok thanks, bye.
Austin: you think im cute?
Me: *i blushed* haha, yeahhhh.
We walked back to the parking lot. We decided to take my car. So I drove of course
Austin: dammnnn I love your car.
Me: ahaha thanks :) soo if you're taking me on a date. Tell me about yourself.
Austin: I will when we get there.
We pulled into Subway. We got in line and ordered. He wouldn't let me pay. :/
Me: I have money. I could've paid for myself
Austin: well if I'm taking you on a date, I should pay.
Me: alright, only this one time. So tell me about yourself.
Austin: alright just don't freak. So I sing, I put videos on YouTube. My fans are called Mahomies cause my last name is Mahone. I have 900k followers on Twitter. I have two singles out Say Somethin and 11:11. 
Me: omg no way, that's so cool. How don't you have a girlfriend yet? 
Austin: I never met the perfect girl....until now. *he winked*
I started to blush of course.
Austin: so tell about yourself.
I didnt feel comfortable telling him about my mom and dad so I kept it need to know basis.
Me: we'll my mom and dad are divorced, I live with my mom here in Miami. We have money only because she is a doctor. I get bullied constantly and have no friends. *my eyes started to get watery* 
I thought to myself if I told him this much I might as well tell him the rest. So I continued.
Me: my dad use to beat my mom when I was little. He left when I was six. I never EVER told anyone that. *i felt the tears stream down my face*
He reached over and held my hand. We finished eating and got into my car. As I was driving he noticed something no one ever noticed before.
Austin: how long have you been doing that? 
I saw him staring at the cuts on my wrist.
Me: *i started crying again* you weren't supposed to see those.
Austin: well I did and you need to stop it. I will be here for you. Promise me you will stop.
I sat there quietly, I can't make a promise I cant keep.
Austin: fine then I'll just have to watch you and make sure you STOP.
We pulled into the parking lot of the club. We both got out. He gave me a hug and then slipped something into my pocket and then left. I looked and it was his phone number. 

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