The Length's That Someone Would Go For Bacon

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Anti's P.O.V

"Can you please stop doing that."



"You said please. Light has been rubbing off you."

"Oh shut the fuck up Dark."


With the Sunday morning red sun, that was delicately caressing the ground, pulling gently off a golden blanket. Waking up the green coloured ground.

Me and Dark were sitting on the log, stuffing ourselves with bacon and eggs. Dark has been sneakily stealing some of my bacon, demolishing them as soon as he got his hands on them. Light has been keeping up a conversation with the two guys, that I saw a couple of days ago,brushing their teeth. Alex and Monik, was it? According to Light's night rambles, they have traveled across the world, often times telling Light about their dangerous adventures. Rose was warming up her furry belly by the campfire, her feline form stretched along the rough grass blades, chewing on a piece of bacon.

"Stop stealing my bacon, you thief!"

Smacking at his outstretched hand, that was obviously tempted to grab the last bacon from his almost empty plate.

Dark gave a toothy grin, his eyes gleaming with mischief. Just great.

The rough hands that were resting briefly on my leg, have made their way slowly and agonising, taking their sweet time in exploring my thigh. There stop, that I hated yet enjoyed so much, turned out to be very close to an area that is very, and I mean very dear to me.

With a rough grasp, my fangs indented into my lips, savouring the bitter drop of red, refusing to let the wanted moan out. Oh. My. God.

His other hand that wasn't giving me a gentle yet highly arousing massage, snaked it's way towards my hip. Those hefty stony hands grasping my skin between them. I was seeing stars, lust and need covering my thoughts, shushing them away. If this, made me go crazy, what would sex like be with him? Anti, don't you fucking even go there.

With a sly grin splattered on his face, his fire erupted with bloody maroon red, evil laced in between. His fangs were shown to the sun, sparkling in its presences. Edward Cullen would be so fucking jealous right now.

Leaning forward, he smirked, his burning flame never leaving my sky and ground, taking them down with it. A ghostly pair of lips graced my chin, taking the droplet of blood, that managed to slither it's way down from the punctured lips. Fuck you droplet.

And with a low voice that made me question if my heart was in my chest or in my dick, he mumbled, my ears catching every word.

"Thanks for the last piece of bacon."

What? Wait, hold on. A smug look took its turn, as Dark leaned back, the fucking butterflies in my stomach landing finally as their wings gave out.

Bringing the crispy bacon close to his parted lips, he moaned out from the saltiness that exploded in his mouth. Fuck my life, oh, fuck. I knew for certain now, not questioning at all, that my heart was located in my dick. For it began to pulse, doing its job perfectly as the blood rushed to its new location.

With bacon hanging from his mouth, he effortlessly rose from the log. With a pat on my head, thanking me again for the bacon, he sauntered away, smugness radiating off him.

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