Minor set backs

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Sorry for the late update, wattpad kept giving me issues when trying to update this story. But I finally got it. In this chapter we finally figure out what happened between Suga and Jieun's family. Sorry again.

Bora woke up, she sat up and found herself sleeping on the couch. She looked down and saw the other girls sleeping on the carpet. She got up and went to Jieun's room to see if she came in but the bed looked like it was never slept in. "Maybe she went home" Bora said to herself as she closed the door. "Wake up" Bora said while walking through the living room where the girls were sleeping to get to the kitchen. They all got up, "Did we really sleep in the living room?" Naeun asked as she scratched her head. "What time is it?" Minah asked as she got up. Bora's phone rang, she looked at the caller I.D and answered, "What is it so early in the morning Jimin?" Bora said.

"Jimin" Jinah teased. Bora hit her with a smile, "Is Jieun there? I can't get in contact with her" he asked.

"No. I think she went home. Waeyo?" she asked.

"There are people here taking everything apart" Jimin said, "Call Jieun" he finished and hanged up. Bora looked at her phone, "What happened?" Naeun asked her.

"Call Jieun" Bora said to her. They looked at her with a confused look.

"Don't touch that" Jimin said, blocking the entrance so the people couldn't leave with their stuff. "We already told you everything has been returned" the guy said for the thousand time. "And I'm tell you you're mistaken. We own this building" Jimin said.

"This building is registered under a Park Seojoon" the guy said.

"I think there's some mistake" Jimin said.

"I don't have time for this" the worker said as he pushed Jimin aside. Suga walked in along with the rest of the guys, "Took you long enough. Did you get in contact with Jieun?" Jimin asked. Suga shook his head no, "What's going on?" J-Hope asked.

"It's a misunderstanding" Jimin said, the girls walked in after as they saw the guys putting everything a the truck. "What's going on?" Minah asked.

"Did you get in contact with Jieun?" Jimin asked them.

"She said she's on her way" Naeun answered. He sighed as he watched them.

The car stopped in front of the company, Seojoon looked over at his sister. "Your eyes are red. Mianhae for keeping you up all night with work" he said to her. She turned her head to look at him with a smile, "Nothing a large cup of coffee won't fix" she said as she and Seojoon got out of the car. She walked in as he looked at the building before following his sister inside. "Jieun, talk to these people. They're taking everything" Minah said to her. Jieun turned as she called one of the workers over, "What's the problem?" she asked.

"We were told by the owner of this building to empty it out. Lee SeoJoon" he answered. Jieun looked over at her brother, "I'm Lee Seojoon. But I didn't ask anyone to clean out a building" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows. "We got in the order yesterday" the worker continued. Jieun clicked her tongue, "I think there's some mistake but I didn't request your services" he said. The worker went out to go get the reciept, "What does this mean?" J-Hope asked.

"Nothing. Just a mixup" Jieun said as she put her hands on her hip and turn to her brother with a smile. "I guess I can introduce you now. Guys this is my brother Lee Seojoon, CEO of Jaeho Group" Jieun introuced him to them. Naeun's immediately glared at him whe she heard that he's the CEO. Seojoon glanced at her as Jinah nudged her and she turned away. The worker came back with the reciept, "I thought you said the owner ordered this?" Jieun asked as she looked at it. "He did" he said.

"But JaeHee unni signed it" Jieun said, "She's obviously doing this because she's still made at me."

"Can you blame her when you're working with him. I'll take care of it" he said to her, "For the meantime unpack everything" he told the worker as he stepped outside to call Jaehee. "Did you stay up all night? You're wearing the same clothes and your eyes are red" Bora said.

Jieun rubbed her eyes, "I was helping my brother with some work. That's why I left yesterday" she said to them.

"You still look pretty" V said. She clicked her tongue as she turned on her heel with a yawn, as she watched her brother through the glass window. "Your brother's handsome" Jinah said as she walked near Jieun. "Don't think about it, he's too busy to date" Jieun warned her. He walked back in, "Let's go" he said to her.

"What'd she say?" she asked.

"She wants to meet for breakfast. I'll wait in the car" he said and left. "I'll see you guys after school then. Text me when they put everything back" she said and left. "Just a minor set back" Suga said to everyone. They all exchanged a look.

Jieun, Seojoon and Jaehee start down in silence and sipping on their coffee. "I heard the business you're doing is with Suga" Jaehee said. Jieun looked at her brother, the coffee cup still to her lips and she placed it on the table. "And Jimin. They're partners, I'm just helping" she answered.

"Like you were helping during the rehearsal dinner?" Jaehee asked.

"I already apologized for that" Jieun whinned. Seojoon looked at them confused, "What is she talking out?" he asked.

"I thought Jieun told you everything" Jaehee said as she looked at him. "Unni" Jieun begged.

"She's the reason why Suga and I broke off out engagement. She made out with him and then paid him money to leave" Jaehee said. Seojoon looked at her, "That was in the past. It's just business between us" Jieun explained.

"Do you like him?" Jaehee asked. Jieun stared at her coffee, as Jaehee scoffed. "I'm not going to act on it or anything because of you" Jieun confessed.

"I thought you were the one that broke it up" Seojoon said.

"I have to go to school" Jieun said as she got up.

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