Words were said

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The girls all shared a look as Bora started laughing. "Jaeho's Group daughter? You're funny" Bora said. Jieun furrowed her eyebrows, "If you're Jaeho's Group then I must be engaged to Jaeho's son" Jinah laughed. Jieun faked a smile, "So what am I doing here?" she asked and turned to Jimin and Suga. Jimin walked towards her, "First to try out the new arrangement of the song with the other girls" Jimin said.

"Our lines get reduced?" Minah asked.

"Not by much" Suga said while handing them the music sheet. He sat down in front of the piano and started playing the song while they sang along. They practiced for a couple of hours and worked on their dancing, Jieun was the main problem because she was so stiff. It was already 11 at night and they were still practicing. "I give up" Bora said as she sat down on the ground. "Jieun. Move your hips more and make it sexy" Jimin said for the thousandth time. "I'm moving it" she said sounding aggrivated. "Let's just run this again tomorrow" Suga said.

"We'll see" Jieun said as she grabbed her stuff and stomped out of the office, slamming the door behind her. "She seems like a handful" Bora said as wipped the sweat off her forehead. "Yeah but we need her" Suga said.

"Waeyo? We were perfect with just four" Jinah asked.

"At this rate won't it take longer to debut. She can't even dance properly" Minah said.

"She's new to this. It'll take longer for her to get it" Naeun defended her. They all turned their heads when the door opened, "I forget my phone" she said as she went to grab it from the coffee table. "Jieun" Suga said.

"Continue talking" she said and walked out. Suga ran out after her, "You think she heard?" Minah asked as she bit down on her tongue. "She did" Naeun said as she looked at the door.

Jieun walked to her car, "Jieun stop" Suga called as he caught up to her. "I'm already late and I have a paper to write for tomorrow. What is it?" she asked as she turned to face him. "I want to clear up what they were talking about" Suga said.

"There's nothing to clear up. I'm getting in the way of their debuting."

"So you're not mad?"


"So I'll see you tomorrow?'

"Sure. Can I go now?"

"Go ahead" he said. She got in the driver's seat and drove away. Suga ran his hands through his hair, "I hope this doesn't affect the plan" he said to himself while walking back inside. Jimin met him at the door, "What happened?" he asked.

"She's not angry" he said.

"That's good news. I thought our plan was ruined" Jimin sighed as they walked back in.

Jieun got home, she took her shoes off and walked to the kitchen first since she didn't eat anything all day. She grabbed a snack bar from the pantry and went to her room, closing the door slowly then turned the lights on. She sat down in front of her laptop and start on her homework.

The next day, "5, 6, 7, 8" J-Hope counted down as they dance with the beat. Bora knocked on the door a few times before walking in. "Noona" Jungkook smiled. She held up a bag of fried chicken, "As always" Jin said as he took it from her. "Noona, there's rumors going around saying that Jimin and Suga hyung now own their own Entertainment company" V said.

"It's true, it isn't much if I'm telling the truth. I just missed you guys so I thought I'd drop by" she smiled, "How's it going here?"

"Same old. As trainees we're just practicing" J-Hope said.

"We would have debuted too if it wasn't for Jimin hyung" Jungkook pouted. Bora looked at him, symphathising with him because she was in that same situation too.

It was 5, and the girls were practicing while Jieun was on her phone. Jimin sat down next to her, leaning over to see what she was doing. "Why don't you put that down and practice with the girls since you need the help" he said. Jieun glanced over at him as she placed her phone on her laps, "I'm doing my homework" she said. He looked at it, "You're texting" he said.

"I'm writing my paper I wasn't able to do yesterday" she said while bringing her phone back to her face. "If she doesn't want to do it let her go. Why is the rest of us suffering?" Bora called. Jimin and Jieun looked over at her, "Because I told you. We need her" Suga said.

"She obviously doesn't seem interested in it" Bora continued, "Are you going to stop me from debuting again?" That one was directed to Jimin, "Let's just relax" Minah said as she stepped in. Jieun continued typing her paper on her phone, "Noona. You already waited this long just give it time" Jimin said.

"How long do I have to wait. Instead of practicing she's just on her phone" Bora said while walking towards her and grabbed her phone. "Ya" Jieun said as she stood up. "Ya? I'm older than you. Have some respect" Bora said. The girls and Suga immediately interveined. "You want respect. Earn it first. Now give me back my phone" Jieun retorted with attitude in her voice. "Unni. Just give it back" Jinah said.

"Fine" Bora said while extending the phone out. "Here you go" she continued. Jieun went to grab it but Bora dropped it on the ground. "Oops" Bora said.

Jieun clicked her tongue, Naeun quickly picked up the phone. "Let's just stop this" she said.

"Lower your gaze" Bora said to Jieun. Jinah quickly step between the two of them, "Unni. Let's go get some air" Jinah said as she grabbed Bora's arm and dragged her outside. Jieun took her phone from Naeun as she looked at it, everything got deleted, everyone word that she wrote. "You okay?" Minah asked.

"No. Because now I have to rewrite my paper and I'm not going to have it done in time because I'm stuck here" Jieun growled.

"She was just being nice. You don't have to be mean" Naeun said.

"Why don't we call it a day and try this again tomorrow" Jimin said while clasping his hands together. Jieun stared at him, then Suga before grabbing her bag. "Whatever" she said and left. "You girls should head out too" Suga said to Naeun and Minah. They nodded their head before leaving, "What are we going to do now? I don't think she'll give us the money now" Jimin said.

"We'll just think of another way. We only have a week left till we have to give up this place" Suga said with a heavy sigh. "You have to talk to Bora" Suga said.

"Why me?"

"Because I said so" Suga said.

In Bora's apartment, Jinah was currently making them ramen. "He ruined it for me for the first time and now this time. That's what I get for trusting him the second time" Bora said. Jinah turned the fire on the stove off, "10 minutes" Jinah called while looking at the time. "To make the ramen?" Bora asked.

"That you were ranting about Jimin. Did you two date?" Jinah smiled as she brought the pot to the table. "Don't joke" Bora said.

"Just curious. No girl talks about a guy for 10 minutes unless he broke her heart" she smiled while biting on the tip of her chopsticks. "Just eat" Bora hissed. There was a knock on the door, "I got it" Jinah spoke as she got up and went to get the door. "Hyung" Jinah said when she saw Jimin, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to Bora noona. Is she here?" Jimin asked while walking in. "What are you doing here?" Bora asked when she saw him. "I'll make it quick. Apologize to Jieun tomorrow" he said.

"Not until you tell me why you guys want her so badly?" Bora asked.

"Just apologize. Either that or you can quite" he said and walked out. Jinah looked at Bora shocked as she scoffed, "Aish that Park Jimin" Bora said through her teeth.

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