The Trinity

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"Robert, don't you wanna see you kids?" The warlock nurse asks him as Kimberly starts to fall asleep after 8 hours of going through labor.

"No" Robert says facing away from the nurse as she is holding one of the babies in her arms.

"But, Robert" she says.

"I SAID NO!!" Robert yells and leaves the hotel room to get some fresh air.

20 years later

"I'll be back in like 3 or 4 hours, promise" Alec says smiling at Magnus who puts his hands on Alec's waist. Alec puts both of his hands on Magnus's neck and gives him a peck on the lips.

"Bye, love you " Alec says.

"Love you too" Magnus says as he closes the door.

Alec walks hearing only his footsteps on the sidewalk, since this street isn't as busy at night. Soon he starts hearing other footsteps behind him and he stares trying to see the figure better since the only light that he is getting is from the moonlight, when he can finally see better he sees a person wearing a cloak walking to him.

He brushes it off as someone going out for a walk, but as he hears the footsteps start turning to running steps and getting closer he turns around and sees the person running and holding in their left hand what seems like a seraph blade but this one particularly is glowing a neon green. He reaches for his seraph blade to find nothing but air, Alec realizes that his blade is at the institute.

The person reaches him and swings the blade as if to slice at his neck but Alec quickly dodges under and kicks the person in the side sending them back and Alec snatches the blade from them and takes it in his hands but the person quickly gets up, almost like a vampire and starts saying words in a foreign language and they start glowing purple and they disentegrate. Alec looks at his hand and sees that the blade has turned to dust. He looks around to make sure that there isn't anybody there as he quickly runs to the institute.


"Where's Alec?" Jace asks Izzy and  he goes to grab 2 seraph daggers and puts then in his weapons belt.

"He's on his way here" Izzy says.

Jace nods and hands Izzy her whip and they go to the lobby where Clary and Simon are waiting also ready with their weapons in their hands.

"When's Alec coming?" Simon asks.

"He should be here righ-" Izzy gets cut off from the elevator doors opening and Alec coming out of the elevator.

"Alec, finally" Jace says as he puts his jacket on.

"I was attacked" Alec blurts out.

"By what, a demon?" Clary asks.

"No, someone" Alec says.

"Wait what?" Simon says confused.

"Was it a downworlder" Jace asks.

"No this one was holding a seraph blade" Alec says.

"So, you're saying a Shadowhunter attacked you" Izzy says.

"I think so" Alec says.

"Why do you say think, when you saw them holding a seraph blade" Clary says.

"Yeah but the seraph blade was glowing green, and it was wearing a black or purple cloak and it was doing magic and had the speed of a vampire and then it just vanished" Alec says.

"That's impossible" Simon says.

"Alec, are you sure?" Izzy asks looking confused.

"Yes" Alec says and stares at all of them as they all look confused.

They all stand in silence as they hear somebody running down the hall, they all turn around to see Maryse trying her best to run in her heels.

"Guys, run" Maryse says as she reaches them.

"What, why?" Clary asks.

They all start coughing and realize there is smoke coming from where Maryse ran. They all stare at the hall and see a cloaked figure appear thats walking with fire a few feet behind it.

They all quickly run to the elevator as they cant handle the smoke filling their lungs. They press the button and they start descending down and as they are in the middle of the floors the lights go out and the elevator stops leaving them in darkness.

"Shit" Izzy says and pulls out her witchlight lighting up the dark area.

"What do we do now?" Simon says.

Clary gets on the floor and tKes out her stele and draws a rune none of them have seen before and the floor of the elevator starts cracking asa hole the size of an average man appears. (BTW I FORGOT IF THE INSTITUTE IS LOCATED UNDERNEATH OR ABOVE BUT LETS JUST GO WITH ABOVE)

They all go into the hole and drop on to the floor and they all run out the main door.

They run and once they are a safe distance away they look back and see the entire institute on fire.

This was really shitty i know, but i had this idea in my dream and i wanted to write it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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