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"I am a bad person trying very hard to be a good person."


     Lafayette Cemetery was as crowded as Henrik remembered. He grimaced as he wove through the crowd, trying to get as close to the current Regent as possible. The little witch was about to make an announcement. Judging by the unhappy faces around him, he could tell that they didn't like someone so young being in charge. He got a feeling they weren't too keen about her connections to vampires, either. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned his shoulder against a crypt and waited. She was beautiful, and Henrik's interest immediately peaked. From the way Marcel had spoke of her, he had always pictured a child, even though he knew she was a teenager. Davina Claire wasn't a child, no matter how much Marcel saw her as one. Henrik fiddled with the leather band wrapped around his left wrist as Davina took a deep breath and started to speak.

"Thank you for coming," Davina said. Henrik could tell she was nervous, and so could the witches currently watching her. Henrik bit his tongue and stayed where he was, burying the instinct to help her. Him standing up for her would just make her appear weak. Weaker than they already thought she was. She'd have to handle the disrespectful mutterings on her own. "I spent the night consulting the Ancestors. They say we must remain strong and defend our homes. But, for now, no covens are to expand into Gentilly." The witches around him immediately started murmuring in disapproval. Henrik's mouth twisted into a scowl watching them. They were all older, supposedly wiser. They should have been respecting their Regent whether they liked her decision or not. He pursed his lips. "This decision is to keep us from a violent turf-war with the vampires. And it's final."

The witches were muttering again, but at least they seemed to accept the decision. All except one. Henrik's eyes immediately went to the woman as she turned to walk away. His eyes narrowed. Marcel loved this little witch like she was a daughter, so Henrik felt a need to protect her. He had to keep biting it back. He promised Marcel he wouldn't start any trouble and that he wouldn't draw too much attention to himself, and he thought killing a disrespectful witch at a Regent meeting inside Lafayette Cemetery would probably get a lot of attention. It'd probably even get his family's attention, and he didn't want that. Not yet. So he sat back and let Davina handle it.

"Excuse me, Kara—" The witch, Kara, didn't turn to even look at Davina, sparking her temper. "I did not dismiss you. Do not walk away from me!" Kara continued walking. Henrik saw her lips moving, and a moment later, Davina was crying out. He looked at her sharply, eyes widening when he saw her holding her wrist. Kara had broken it. A moment later, a ring of fire was circling Davina's feet. Goosebumps rose on his skin when he realized it was the first vision he had seen inside Cassandra's shop. He hadn't expected to see any of the visions come to pass so soon, and it unsettled him as he watched the flames. Davina waved her hand to put out the fire. When she looked back up, the witches were already leaving. Davina was on the verge of tears when she turned on her heel and entered the crypt behind her.

Henrik followed. He stopped at the threshold of the crypt. He could see Davina grasping her broken wrist like it was an anchor she could use to control herself. He leaned against the entryway.

"Truth be told, I'm not a big fan of New Orleans witches myself," he said, watching her whirl around to face him, her eyes widening at the sight of him. Then they narrowed in suspicion. "Disrespectful and condescending lot." She eyed him, taking a small step back.

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