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"We are all mistaken sometimes; sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. But it does not mean we are evil, or that we cannot be trusted ever afterward."


     "Why are you so nervous?"

It had been a few days since Henrik was shot and he had reunited with both Stefan and Ethan, albeit the latter being over the phone. Things had been relatively quiet since that day, and they were all on pins and needles the longer the quiet lasted. It didn't help that Stefan was staying nearby. Freya was making poultices for the x-mark on his shoulder, and Klaus didn't want to send him on his way without enough of the poultice to last a while. Henrik had been relying on Francis to keep him from completely going overboard with his paranoia, yet today something was different. Francis was quiet, his mind very far away, brows furrowed in thought. He was barely paying attention to their surroundings, and it wasn't until Henrik tugged on his hand and brought him to a halt in the middle of the sidewalk that he even seemed to register Henrik's question. He blinked a few times, frowned, then attempted a smile that Henrik just raised an eyebrow at.

"I'm not nervous. I don't get nervous," Francis said, smile growing wider. Henrik tilted his head and waited. He didn't bother pointing out how much of a lie that was. He'd been awfully nervous when Henrik had flirted with him before their first kiss. Francis studied his face, then rolled his eyes and let out a soft sigh. "Fine, I'm nervous." He didn't elaborate, and Henrik blinked slowly at him, brows furrowing in confusion.

"Francis," he said simply. Francis's jaw worked, and he shot a wary glance around them, as if he was afraid someone was listening to them.

"I know what Aya is planning," he said quickly, voice lowering into a whisper, "and I'm not sure how you'll react. I'm almost positive you'll be furious, but Davina has a part to play in it, and I'm pretty sure you'll want to help her once you learn what she's doing. She asked for your help again and I'm a bit at a loss on how to approach you about it." That must have been why he was so consumed with his thoughts. Still, it didn't make Henrik feel any better. Frustration and impatience were quickly rising up inside of his chest, and he had to bite back the words bubbling up his throat. He was already paranoid, already on edge because he knew Aurora was out there somewhere, and he didn't particularly need Francis keeping things from him just because he was wary of Henrik's reaction.

"What's," Henrik said slowly, "going on, Francis?" Francis took one look at his face, then grimaced and grabbed his hand, tugging him into a nearby alley. Henrik stopped a few feet in and crossed his arms over his chest, pinning Francis with a hard glare. Francis frowned at him for a moment. If he was hurt by Henrik's sudden coldness, by Henrik slipping his hand out of his, he didn't show it beyond that frown.

"Do you know how the Strix wanted Hayley's heart, but they took Jackson's heart instead?" Francis started. Henrik nodded. The Strix had gone after Hayley while they had been off searching for Freya and fighting Aurora. They had attempted to get Hayley's heart, but after Hayley and Cami had fought them off, Marcel had stolen Jackson's heart from where Hayley had buried it in the park instead. They still didn't know why they had needed it in the first place, but it seemed that Henrik was about to find out. "It was for a spell. They needed an unsired heart. They're going to de-link the sirelines." Henrik's eyes widened.

"What?" he snapped, anger quickly replacing his shock. Francis raised his hands, as if that could placate him. "Why in the world would you think I would help Davina do that—" Francis cut in then, before Henrik could start ranting. He could go a very long time when he was angry if someone didn't stop him. Henrik pressed his lips together and glared.

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