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"Bond is stronger than blood. The family grows stronger by bond."


     "Are you serious?" Henrik asked. It had been a week exactly since he had seen Kol's death for himself, and he had made plans to go back there that day, just to hold a silent vigil since he hadn't been there for it himself. He had woken up and gone downstairs, only to see a large table stretched out in the middle of the courtyard. Compelled servants were going back and forth across the room, carrying trays and trays of food. Henrik had been confused at first, but then he had seen the fall colors and the decorative table spread and the stuffing and turkey, and he had promptly forgotten what he had been planning on doing. "We don't even celebrate Thanksgiving."

"My daughter is American," Klaus said as he looked over all the servants, barking orders left and right. Elijah was sitting in a chair nearby, reading a newspaper. He had started smiling when Henrik started talking, already knowing what his reaction would be. Judging by how he refused to look over the decorative details, this hadn't been his idea. "We celebrate Thanksgiving now."

"Didn't the first one end in genocide?" Henrik asked dryly, looking at Elijah for support. His brother lowered the newspaper and folded it in his lap.

"I have a bit of distaste for the holiday myself," Elijah drawled as he got to his feet. "Our family always fought at these sort of things. Though, I have to say, the drama is quite entertaining when it involves other people." Henrik nodded in agreement, looking at Klaus. Klaus didn't seem as amused as Elijah did.

"If you hate it so much," Klaus said, "then don't join us."

"Oh, I wasn't planning to," Henrik said, making his voice sound sweet, his smile endearing. Elijah chuckled while Klaus rolled his eyes in irritation.

"And that in itself is a blessing," Klaus sighed. The smile immediately slipped off Henrik's face, leaving him scowling.

"Why can't I just force myself into their heads and find out where Rebekah is?" Henrik demanded once it was clear Klaus wouldn't apologize for his rude comment. "Find out what their plans are?" It was a simple solution, really. Klaus and Elijah wouldn't allow it because they knew Tristan would be the one Henrik would target.

"I thought you were already doing that with Tristan," Klaus drawled. Klaus, who already knew that Tristan was avoiding Henrik and wouldn't answer his calls. Henrik gave him a cold stare. A sly smirk crossed Klaus's face, making Henrik's eyes narrow. "Only using your talents in bed instead of your talents with magic." Henrik placed his hands on his hips and twisted to face Klaus completely. Behind him, he heard Elijah let out a low, exasperated sigh. Henrik could practically see him rubbing his temples.

"For your information, I'm not screwing Tristan," Henrik said, scowling again. "Unlike you, I have more self-respect than to sleep with my enemies." Behind him, Elijah's sighing turned into a small laugh. If there was one thing they agreed on, it was Klaus's unfortunate love life. Not that Henrik and Elijah were any better, really.

"Do you really?" Klaus asked, cocking his head. There was a glint in his eyes that Henrik didn't like. "Because I seem to remember a certain Lockwood boy..." Henrik's jaw dropped.

"Low blow, Nik," he grumbled, glaring once he had regained his bearings. He crossed his arms over his chest. "Do I need to bring up that annoying Caroline girl? Because I will. Bonnie told me everything. Don't think I won't throw all of it back in your face." He paused at the flicker of surprise on Klaus's face. None of them had known he was still in contact with Bonnie Bennett.

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