The potion

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Flame prince's POV

I woke up very early the next day and went to the candy kingdom. I skipped along happy for the future of me and fionna after been given a 'second chance'.

I opened the palace doors and walked right into gumball's lab. He was working on the potion.

I'm happy to see that. He turned to me "flame prince? Oh hey" then he looked back at the potion.

"Is it ready yet?" I asked excited. "Not yet I still need some ingredients." He looked up at me again.

"What do you need?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I need a piece of Fionna's hair and your hair." I quickly fiddled with my hair and threw a flame into the test tube.

"Now you get a piece of Fionna's hair and the potion is done." I quickly thought of a plan to try to sneak up on her and cut her hair.

I recked my brain for a plan. I'll ask Marshall.

I went over to Marshall's place and caught up to him before he went out. "MARSHALL! hey wait"

He looked up at me puzzled "what is it flame boy?"

"I need your help." He stared at me for a while like trying to decide whether to trust me.

Then he invited me into his house. "I'll give you five minutes I need to meet someone later." I nod and took a seat on the couch.

"I need a lock of Fionna's hair." Then he glared at me. "Why would you need Fionna's hair?"

"I I am trying to make a special gift for fionna and I need to know what smell, colour and stuff her hair does." I stuttered a bit as I was nervous whatever I said didn't make sense.

Marshall looks suspiciously at me.

"And why should I help you?" He eyes became redder like blood red.

Shocked I moved a bit away from Marshall and continued "it's because you're the closest person to fionna I know and you gotta help a bro out."

He looked at me again and didn't say anything "come on I've helped you so many times. "

"Oh yeah since when?" Marshall glared at me.

I swallowed my saliva "erm remember that time I uh..... No that time when we........ Ah I got nothing" he folded his arms "but I will help you in the future like find a girlfriend maybe?"

Then he stood up "I do not need a girlfriend. I.... Already have one" Marshall looked away from me.

"Really man?" I stood up "who is it tell me!!"

"No I can't I promised her I won't tell anyone." Then he walked away from me.

"So will you help me?" I pleaded

"But......" I looked at him with puppy dog eyes "fine but you owe me 100 Aaa bucks." Then he winked at me.

Sigh I'm gonna be broke but for Fionna's love I will do anything. "Fine but get a lock of her hair by tomorrow."

Marshall's POV

I went to the candy kingdom after Flame prince left cause he was too suspicious and I couldn't let people take my girlfriend's hair that's mad. I'll punch the him such a butt seriously.

I decided to ask gumball maybe he knew. And then I remembered I couldn't tell anyone about me and Fionna's relationship so I quickly flew to the tree house and grabbed BMO before flying to the candy kingdom. I knew that little guy had pictures of me and fionna if not he could show the song we sang.

I opened the door into the lab and saw gumball. He nearly spilled something but he caught it before it almost fell. I could see fear written all over his face. He's hiding someone I'm sure of it.

My fangs grew longer are I became angrier. I let BMO down on the table and went to gumball and grabbed him by his collar "you're hiding something. What's going on? Why does flame prince want fionna's hair?"

"Marshall..... Look I can't tell you anything" I stared at him my eyes turning into black hole with red dots in the middle. He shrieked "ok ok I'll speak but put me down first"

I let go of his collar and he fell to the ground. I looked at him like seriously dude you're weak. Then he slowly stood up adjusting his collar "Marshall let's talk somewhere else." Then he looked at peppermint butler outside the room "don't allow flame prince to enter the palace gates"

She nodded and ran off. We went to some guest room and he sat cross legged on the bed. I floated and crossed my legs levitating slightly above the bed. BMO struggled to get up on the bed I lifted him like a baby and put him in the middle.

Then gumball explained "flame prince asked me to make a potion for him

. This potion will make fionna forget her breakup with flame prince."

"What?!?" I got so agitated I could just rip off flame prince's head.

"I'm sorry but he made me make a potion. I really don't support this plan of his. He's just gonna hurt fionna again." He looked away "but if we don't help him he'll go on his rampage and destroy Aaa Again."

Ya I just remembered the last time we went bonkers and burned down the forest and nearly crushed Aaa. "Then what can we do?"

"We can't do anything now..." He looked even more upset.

"But fionna is my...." I looked at BMO and nodded.

BMO answered for me "she's his girlfriend they were a couple for two days already." Then he switched to picture mode and showed gumball a few pics of me and fionna.

He looked shocked and even more guilty. "I'm so sorry Marshall I didn't know if I had known I wouldn't have agreed to do it."

"Hey gumball is there anyway we can let fionna remember her break up?"

"Well not that I know but I have tried the tester on candy people and they seem to slowly remember from showing them things that really mean a lot to them."

"That's good information gumball. We can use that against flame prince. And also is there another way?"

"Well I could date her for a change haha" my eyes became bigger black holes. He put his hands over his face "I'm kidding I'm kidding geez you've got to stop with those eyes of yours."

Suddenly BMO steps into the room panting. "I know a way that could help"

Both of us stared at him puzzled. Marshall asked "How?" raising his eyebrow.

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