Chapter 10

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This is a sad but cute chapter. I was listening to 'What Now' by Rihanna, and it nearly made me cry! :o

Thankyou for reading, xx

~Amy's P.O.V.~

I placed my head back onto the soft pillow, my eyes already tired and sore from the tears that have fallen. My body covered by a thin sheet that came just bellow my breasts. My worst nightmare was coming to life, the horrific memory of my mother laying lifeless flashed into my mind.

Her broken, frail body slowly fading away from me as she took her last breaths. Squeezing my eyes shut I felt the hot tears falling down my face onto the pillow, the lump in my throat causing me to cry out unexpectedly. My hand covered my mouth to stifle the noises that were escaping my lips. How could this happen to me? What did I do to deserve so much pain?

I need to get away from this place, my world was already crumbling in front of me. I could leave and nobody would even care, I could finally be with my mother. My legs slipped from under the sheet, hanging from the high bed. My sight blurry as my bare feet touched the cool tiles. I swallowed hard and moved to the bathroom in the corner, my hair falling over my face as I gripped the handle. I hadn't realise it was so cold in here until my body started to shiver, the cold tiles underneath my feet making it worse. I quickly opened the door, stepping in and quietly shutting it behind me.

I can't let anyone know what I'm doing, they would try and stop me. I glanced at myself in the small mirror that was placed in front of me. My eyes bloodshot from all of the tears and my cheeks were flushed. My face pale while my hair was scrunched up at the back from laying on the pillow. I didn't have the energy in me to try and fix my appearance, I would be dead soon so I don't really care.

What about Harry? My conscious was fighting against me, the question pounding my head. My breathing uneven as I sunk deep into my thoughts. What about him? He would be much happier without a whiny, selfish girl around. I know he will. He can peacefully live the rest of his life without me, find a girl and be happy with One Direction.

My shaky fingers fumbled with the draw underneath the sink, opening it to find nothing. I huffed and swivelled my head around the room hoping to find some sort of sharp object. There was absolutely nothing in here, only towels and soaps. My chest was rapidly rising and falling, my emotions started to take over.

Looking back up into the mirror I pulled my eyebrows together. I couldn't help when my fist punched the glass, causing it to shatter. The tiny pieces scattered around the room, falling into the sink and on the floor. I closed my eyes while soft sobs fell out of my mouth. The irregular feeling that was burning my skin in my hand caused me to shoot my eyes open. I winced when my other hand touched my knuckles, the small pieces sunk into the skin.

The water was rapidly falling down my cheeks at this point. I felt over my hand again, the blood now dripping to the white floor. My body slumped down, my hand touching the ground while my knees started to cave. They landed on the floor with a thud, the glass sinking into the skin. I winced loudly shutting my eyes. I quickly looked down to find my knees bleeding, the glass wedged into my body.

The blood was flowing from my hand and my knees, slipping through the gaps in the tiles. My shaky fingers picked up a piece of glass covered in my blood, sitting back on my knees. The pain was unbelievable, the pieces of glass digging further into my skin as I sat back. I winced again while I brought the glass up to my wrist.

My eyes screwed shut as I felt the irregular feeling again, the glass cutting my wrist. My mouth was agape as I could feel the blood dripping down off my hand, the glass gliding across the skin.

My eyes shot open when I heard a door squeak. My heart pumping at it's highest. I quickly dropped the piece of glass to the ground and attempted to pull myself off the floor. My legs were weak, holding onto the towel rack I limbed over to the door and locked it.

"Amy?" I heard a raspy voice call. I found I was holding my breath when I heard his footsteps move closer to the door, his shadow seeping through the bottom. My body fell back to the ground, ending up in my puddle of blood. My glassy eyes looked up to the door as it was shaking.

"Amy!" He was now yelling through the door. My eyesight going fuzzy again while more water spilled over my cheeks.

"Open the door!" His voice was frantic, begging me to do as he says.

"She's in there," his voice was hushed, obviously telling someone else where I was. I whimpered loudly causing everything to go silent.

"Amy?" His voice growing worried. His fists started pounding at the door loudly.

My head shot up when I heard a crack and then extra light coming through the door. I looked up towards his features, they softened when he looked at me. Sadness and worried crossed his face.

"Oh my god, Amy," he slightly shouted rushing over to me. His large hands gripped my forearms to held me stand up. He stood me to my feet that were standing in my blood. My eyes meeting his. His usual green glossy eyes now darker then usual, his lips turned downwards. His arm ran down my leg to cup under my knees. He lifted me up bridal style, my hand wrapped around his neck.

Zayn and Niall were standing in the doorway, mouth slightly agape watching the scene unravel. Blood was still dripping from my hands and knees, smudging Harry's white t-shirt.

"You're ok," he repeated, most likely to himself. "It's ok baby, you're fine." He walked me back to my bed. He placed me down softly as his smooth fingers slid up and down my arm, soothing me.

My head turned to meet his expressionless face. His eyes never leaving mine. His finger pushed the little bits of hair that was falling over my eyes back, he held a small smile but only to calm me down.

"Why?" He asked. My face held no emotion while his gaze never left mine. I looked upwards to the ceiling unable to look into his eyes, his hand entwining our fingers together.

"I need to get away. Please let me, Harry." I nearly whispered, my voice slightly breaking with every word. I saw a doctor walk into the room, eyes widening when he saw me. It was the same doctor who had told me that I might have cancer. He quickly ran out of the room, with Niall and Zayn following.

"No." His voice hard. "If you go, I go." His words had shocked me, my stomach dropping. I closed my eyes as I let more tears fall onto the pillow. I tuned my head towards him again while my face held a small smile, barely recognisable.

His face hovered over mine, for a few seconds as his hot breath fanned over my pale face.

"Please don't leave me," his words entered my head, unable to comprehend what was happening. "Please," his voice shaky, licking his lips he closed his eyes so I couldn't see the beautiful green colour that always calmed me down.

My heart was pumping as fast as it could possible function, how close our faces were. Even though I was covered in blood, my body too weak to do anything it didn't seem to faze Harry.

For years I've dreamt of Harry kissing me, touching me, loving me. My conscious would always throw in something about how he doesn't like you like that, he'll never love you. But right now she's gone, disappeared. His warm lips came on top of mine, filling the small gap. My head was spinning, my stomach was churning and my body ached with every emotion possible.

It all seem to disappear, his lips in sync with mine. The kiss was passionate, the whole room seemed to fade away and it was only Harry and I.

He broke away resting his forehead on top of mine. My breath shaky as I awaited for him to speak. All the pain came rushing back, my body aching.

"I love you. Please don't leave me alone." He whispered, opening his eyes again looking straight into mine.

"Amy, I love you so much."



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