Chapter Seven

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I got woken up by my alarm, and it was way too early. Seriously, ten a.m. is so early! But, I get to see Louis. No, I don't like him that way, I just enjoy his company. Why does Ed think I like him? I don't.

Anyway, I got up and grabbed some clothes; a black shirt, white ripped jeans and some black ankle boots. I messed with my hair and let it fall to my shoulders, then went off to the living room. It was half eleven by then, and it takes me ten minutes to get to the café, so I've got twenty minutes to waste.

I checked my phone and saw three new texts. Niall, Liam and Ashton. Both Niall's and Liam's texts were the same, asking if I was okay, to which I replied yes, and Ashton just double checking today.

I started walking up, seeing as I only had fifteen minutes, and I never actually noticed how much this place has changed over the years. Like, half of the shops that have been here for years have now closed, which is pretty sad. I got to the café and Ashton was already there, sipping on some tea. I got a coffee and then sat down with him, and he smiled.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Tired, but fine." I replied making him laugh slightly.

"Why are we here?" He questioned.

"I don't know. Ed wanted to talk to Louis and Zayn and then said that we had to come, so yeah." I answered and he shook his head.

"I still don't know why I agreed to this. They all want to kill me." He frowned.

"They won't do anything, even if they did, I wouldn't let them," I reassured him, putting my arm around his shoulder. "You're different to most vampires."

"No shit Sherlock." He laughed. I laughed too then pulled my arm away, when the door opened again. Ed. he got a drink then came to sit down opposite us.

"Hey, you must be Ashton." Ed smiled.

"Hi." Ashton smiled back warily. They started talking and Ashton relaxed a bit but was still on guard. Then, about five or ten minutes later, Louis and Zayn walked in. Zayn looked pretty fed up, but Louis looked, somewhat happy. He didn't look as rough as the last time I saw him. He actually looked alive and he wasn't jittery. They both got some drinks then came over to us; them both sitting by each other in the booth.

It was a squared one, three benches. Ed was on one, Ashton and I in the middle and then Louis and Zayn on the other side, Louis closest to me.

"So, why are we here?" Zayn asked. Louis just looked at him and shook his head in amusement to his displeasure.

"I just need to talk to you four," Ed replied.

"About what?" Ashton asked. You could tell that he didn't trust Louis and Zayn. He kept looking at them warily and he was on edge as if he was about to attack someone.

"A lot. But first." Ed answered. "I still don't trust you so try anything and you're dead." He warned Ashton. I rolled my eyes and Ashton glared at him.

"I don't trust the three of you." He said, aiming it at Louis, Zayn and Ed. "you don't see me threatening to kill you guys, do you?"

"Look, I'm sure you're a nice guy, but it's just habit. You're a vampire, vampires aren't good." Zayn stated. "You're all the same. Evil murderous creatures."

"Same can be said for you. I've been alive long enough to see what humans are capable of. The greed for power, money; it brings out the worst in you. And all of you, deep down inside, have the capability to become monsters. You're all the same, whether you show it or not. You're all capable of killing, as you four have shown on multiple occasions. So you can't go pointing a finger at me while none of you are innocent either." Ashton explained.

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