Chapter Eleven

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Friday came along quickly, much to Louis and Zayn's dismay. We had to be at Ed's at 9 am, which was in an hour. Louis complained about getting up early, but he's going anyway. I did a last minute check on my outfit, a pink and white polka-dot button up with black skinny jeans and black sparkly ankle boots. I look amazing.

I heard a knock at the door, who I presumed were the guys. We need to leave now because Ed's office is an hour away and there's probably traffic. We should've left about half an hour ago, but oh well. I answered the door to see Ashton, so I invited him in; I don't particularly want him to burn.

"Thanks." He smiled. "Do you know what's going on?" I wish I did. Ed very rarely gets worked up over things, so I know that this is serious, so that's scaring me. He's never put me on a hunting ban, ever.

"No clue." I frowned, then there was another knock on the door.

I opened the door and Louis and Zayn were there. After a very short conversation, we decided that we were taking my car to Ed's. And I was driving because I was the only one who knew where we were going.

So our car journey was just us listening to Blink 182 and Louis occasionally flirting with me. Fuck I like him.


We arrived outside the office, which was just a big building. Obviously, not what the guys were expecting.

We went inside, the receptionist obviously knowing who I was let us up, and told Ed that we had arrived. We were waiting outside of his office for a bit, which really didn't bother us. I was getting nervous and started playing with the hem of my shirt when Louis grabbed my hand lightly. His eyes were bloodshot again which seems to be the norm for him and he couldn't keep still. 

"Are you okay, love?" He asked and my heart did cartwheels.

"Just nervous," I replied. "Ed's never this worked up over something so... I'm just worried about what it could be."

"Haz, everything will be fine. We can't change anything that will happen, it all happens for a reason." He smiled and kissed me. I kissed back, and my stomach was in knots. I can't believe what this prick does to me.

"Okay... not what I was expecting to see," Ed said and I jumped, pushing Louis away from me slightly. Louis smirked, and I blushed. "Well, not today, anyway."

We all went into his office and sat down on the seats on the opposite side of the desk Ed was sitting behind.

"I've got a massive problem." Ed frowned.

"Not the first time you've said that eh?" Louis teased and we all looked at him questioningly. Why? Why at this time? "Okay, I'll shut up."

"There's a vampire planning something." Ed started.

"Just a vampire?" I questioned.

"Let me finish." Ed glanced at me sternly and I shut up. He smiled lightly and then carried on. "I'm certain that he is responsible for the disappearance of all the hunters that have gone missing in the past fifty years."

"How many have gone missing?" Zayn asked. Good question.

"Fifteen," Ed replied. "Most are dead, bodies turned up randomly around the UK, apart from four. Three recently went missing earlier this week whereas the other one hasn't been seen in forty-nine years." Wow.

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