Chapter Nineteen

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The loud, annoying alarms woke me up and it seriously sucked. Lou stirred awake not long after, turning the alarms off. We lay there for five minutes in silence, not wanting to get up.

After the argument, Louis had been really quiet. We went to sleep not long after he calmed down but he got up in the night. I woke up and grabbed his hand, saying that it was cold and he was warm and he got back into bed smiling and joking about how 'clingy' I am that I won't even let him out of bed. He had a point. We cuddled for a bit after that and fell asleep not long afterwards.

We both finally got out of bed and I made my way into the living room to see if the other two were up and weirdly they were. I put the kettle on and started making tea for Lou and me, seeing that Ashton and Zayn already had some.

"How is he?" Zayn asked, sounding worried.

"He's still pretty down," I replied. Zayn frowned and tapped his fingers on his mug. "What happened?"

"I told you last night, he'll tell you if he wants to." Zayn sighed. I just finished the teas and took them to Lou and my room, ignoring Zayn's comment. Lou was getting changed and he turned around to look at me, smiling when he saw that I brought tea.

"You're the best." He grinned and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Of course I am." I smiled and got changed into my black shirt and black skinny jeans with black ankle boots. Gothic, I know. Lou was in a grey shirt with black skinny jeans and black vans and those jeans looked really good on him.

We drank our tea and talked for a bit; we weren't talking about anything in particular but it was fun anyway. We were debating who was better, Green Day or Blink 182 when Ashton knocked on the door saying we were leaving in twenty minutes. We went into the living room, just so we were ready to go when the other two were ready. Lou was about to sit down when Zayn came in and hugged him, saying that he was sorry. Lou whispered something back but I couldn't hear him and they both sat down then, Zayn weighing in on the previous debate. Blink is way better than Green Day. Zayn agreed with Lou whereas Ashton agreed with me. The vampire has sense.

"Ready to go?" Ashton asked, getting his keys. We all nodded and left the hotel, grabbing our bag of stakes and putting it in the car. We predicted that it would take us twenty minutes to get to the guy's hideout so it would be a pretty short car journey luckily.

I was glad that Lou and Zayn made up. They both needed it. I still wanted to know what they argued about but Zayn wouldn't tell me and I didn't want to ask Lou. I wanted him to trust me enough to tell me freely, not tell me because I was nagging.

Lou held my hand the entire journey and I loved it. It was so comforting, so calming. I needed something to help with the nerves and Lou was just the perfect thing.

We arrived at the place and it looked run down. It didn't look safe at all. All of the windows were boarded up, letting no sun into the building. The roof looked like it would collapse at any minute and it looked haunted. It looked like an abandoned hospital which made me wonder if we were in the right place or not. This wasn't big enough for a ton of vamps to hide in.

We started getting the weapons ready, hiding them in pockets or boots. Ashton didn't take anything silver but had a ton of stakes hiding in his pockets and shoes. Zayn, Lou and I took all of the silver weapons, doing the same with them.

None of us spoke, we focused on what we were doing. Zayn and Lou shared a few apologetic looks every now and then but that's all that happened. We were all savouring the moments before we actually took action. We discussed the plan in the car. I was going to go and find the hunters he took, Lou was going to make sure no one went near the way I went and Zayn and Ashton were going to find where that bad-arse vampire guy was. Then once we'd done everything we'd meet where we split then go and kill bad-arse vampire guy. Easy enough plan. I've done it before.

Once we were done Zayn talked to Lou quietly, I'm pretty sure they were talking about the argument. I really wanted to know what happened. I wanted to know what got Lou so upset. I wanted to protect him from all of the negativity in the world even though I knew that could never happen. I just wanted him to be happy.

"Ready?" Ashton asked me.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I replied with a small sigh. We knew that he'd have a ton of 'minions' around, making sure that he's safe and they were all ordinary vampires so we knew we'd be fine with them. It was just the bad-arse vampire guy that I was worried about.

Lou and Zayn came back not long after, looking happier. It was good that they'd talked everything through, it would've been sad if we'd gone into this with them not getting along. Teamwork doesn't go well if two people aren't fully into it. That never works out well.

I sent a quick text to Ed saying that we were about to go in and got a reply straight away saying good luck. It was weird seeing Ed worried. I knew he was worried about all of this, even I was. It scared me a lot more knowing Ed was scared though.

We looked around for a possible entrance, also looking around for cameras or anything of the sort but seeing none. We eventually found a hole in one of the windows, big enough for us to get through. Ashton went in first, checking to see if it was safe then signalled for us to go in. Zayn went in and when I was about to follow, Lou grabbed my hand and I turned around to face him.

"I love you." He stated, looking into my eyes. "I don't know if you feel the same but I love you so fucking much it hurts. I just want you to know just in case things go wrong..."

"Nothing will go wrong." I frowned. "We'll all be fine." There was a slight pause and I put my hand on his cheek. "And Lou, I love you too." And I kissed him.

We stayed like that for about thirty seconds before some arseholes decided to ruin it. "Yeah, guys, as sweet as this is, please hurry the fuck up." Zayn whisper yelled. Lou rolled his eyes and entered the building and I followed. Smiling like a fucking madman.

Did that actually just happen?

A.N/ Ah today's Monday and I've already written a chapter. I also called the last chapter the twentieth and I'm sorry for that, I changed it. Until next time guys! <3
*Friday* ah this has been updated in time!

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