the fifth Letter

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Dear Nayeon,

Why did you leave me?

It's been a year since you left. Without saying anything, after saying you love me. Your mother told me, you left for United States. She told me that you didn't want to give me your number. In the end, she gave me your address so that I could send you letters.

I wrote everyday.

I wrote every night.

"Nayeon, how are you? Are you well?

Nayeon, it's been 3 months, how are you?

Nayeon, it's cold in here, is it alright there?

Nayeon, I miss you.

Nayeon, come back."

I just sat there and cry and continue to write until all my fingers bleed.

Never minding the fact that they were just letters you'll never read.

[Summer, 1973]

After more months, i didn't write anymore. She never replied. And a sudden news came that my mother told me, "Jeongyeon, Nayeon's here in korea."


"She's here. Nayeon's here. Her mom told me to come and get you. She wants you to see Nayeon."

"Where? They don't live here anymore right?" I heart was beating faster than ever. Like It was about to explode.

"In ***** hospital."

So, I ran there as fast I could. And there you were, lying so thin on the bed. You looked so weak, unrefined. But ever so pretty.

"Jeongyeon." She looked so surprised upon seeing me that she were on the verge of  tears.

I hugged you so tight that I wish I wouldn't have to let go of you.

"Nayeon... why are you here? What happened?" I asked.

"I got sick..." she said.

"Are you unwell? Are you okay now?" i asked her again as i grabbed her fragile body.

"I'm fine. I'm still Nayeon." She smiled.

"Why did you leave me?" I asked. Looking for an answer. I am also in my verge of tears. Tears of longing and desperate happiness.

She didn't answer.

"Didn't you said you love me?" I asked as I found myself terrified of her answer.

"I do, but... I'll have to leave you after a month." I looked at her confused as I trace the expression on her face.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

Nayeon breathe in and then out, then stared right into my eyes.

"Jeongyeon, I'm dying."

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