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"Oh my, I feel like I'm going to faint." I said nervously, my heart pounding furiously as I watched all of the  guests enter.

"Calm down, you did a perfect job. Relax." Aria soothed, rubbing her hand between my shoulder blades.

I took a deep breath, folding my hands in front of me.

Aria stood next to me, her body covered in a beautiful royal blue lace dress. Her blonde hair done up in a tight bun, allowing everyone to see her bright blue eyes. As for me, I was wearing a cream colored knee length dress. I couldn't help but feel a bit exposed with the thin straps and the low neck line. Obviously it wasn't low enough to show cleavage, just low enough to make me feel a bit bare.

I inwardly cursed my mother for choosing this dress.

As for my hair,I had it down in delicate curls, a small clip holding my side bangs back. 

"I can't stay calm, this is very important. If the ladies of the society don't approve, they will think of me incapable of doing anything for this city!" I rambled, the urge to bite my nails strong. Unfortunately I had been taught at young age about how disgusting and unlady like the action was which caused me to restrain myself.

"El, it's beautiful. Trust me." Aria said, using my nickname, causing me to relax slightly.

I rubbed my temples, "If only my mother would say that." I mumbled.

Aria eyed me in sympathy, knowing my mother's personality.

"I'm sure she'll approve. You did everything she told you to so-"

"Yes, but it's my mother we are talking about." I cut her off, my eyes moving around the interior of the room.

People were chatting idly or eating at the large tables that were spread about. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, which made the weight on my shoulders lessen.

Aria stayed silent, knowing what I said was true.

"Come, let's go sit down. I feel as though I might faint from distress if I stand any longer." I said, beginning to walk to an empty table.

The decor was beautiful, and I inwardly praised the designers who did all of this.

"You seem to have caught someone's eye." Aria commented, a sly grin on her face as she nodded over my shoulder.

I frowned.


Suddenly an image of a raven haired boy with honey brown eyes filled my mind.

My heart rate accelerated as I turned to see who she spoke of. Silently hoping that it would be Zayn.

I felt a bit saddened when instead of honey brown eyes, I met dark brown ones.

I immediately began to feel nervous when I realized that I had actually wanted the boy to be Zayn...not Liam. 

What was happening to me? I shouldn't be thinking about him!

I released the breath I had been holding, giving Liam a small smile when he grinned at me from across the room.

I turned away, praying he wouldn't come over to us.

Aria frowned, seeing my crestfallen expression.

"What's wrong?" she questioned, her blue eyes scanning my face thoroughly.

I shook my head, covering up my moment of sadness with an emotionless face, "Nothing."

She narrowed her eyes, reading me like an open book. "El, don't lie-"

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