Twenty Five.

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"Any minute now...any minute..." I muttered quietly to myself as I impatiently stood by Zayn's run down truck.

I was currently waiting to catch him before he left. I had my fingers crossed that I wasn't waiting out here for nothing. How embarassing would it be to sit here and wait for someone that might not leave for a couple more hours?

I itched the back of my ear, slowly beginning to pace back and forth beside his truck.

It was taking a  lot of courage for me to be out here right now so Zayn better appreciate it when he see's me.

If my parents were to find me out here I don't know what I'd do. Luckily workers parked across the street and around the area, knowing that my father would fire them on the spot if they decided to park on our paved driveway.

I could hear voices in the distance, and soon enough I was able to see figures.

Out of sudden fear I jumped backwards, my spine hitting the metal of his truck. I cringed, forcing myself not to yelp in pain.

The voices came closer, so close I was able to recognize one of them was Zayn.

"Alright,I'll see you tomorrow man. Have a good night." said the other man whose voice I couldn't recognize. Following his words I could hear footsteps retreating.

I glanced up at the sky, thanking God that Zayn was finally here and that the other man was going in the opposite direction.

I exhaled, my body finally relaxing.

The sound of his dragging feet coming closer caused my stomach to bubble up in sudden excitment. I quickly fixed my hair just in time for Zayn to finally reach my side of the truck.

"AH!" he screamed, jumping back in surprise while dropping the water bottle in his hand.

"Elizabeth! What in the world are you doing here!?" he  panted, clutching his chest with his dirty hands.

I bit my lip, finding his reaction quite amusing.

"Sorry...I just wanted to talk to you." I said softly.

He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. 

"Okay then," he said, glancing up through his thick lashes.

I cleared my throat before stepping forward, suddenly at a loss for words. It was just so nice to see him up close again, alone. It felt like forever since I had seen him last.

My eyes traced over his scruff that was coming in thick. It was amazing how naturally handsome he was. The urge to touch him in some way came on strong, and it stung a bit that he wasn't making any movement to come to me at all.

He looked indifferent.

"I just wanted to say goodbye, since I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon." I said as I pushed some hair behind my ear.

He nodded slowly, eyes glued to me.

"Oh that's right, you're going to Cape Cod..." he trailed,attempting to make it seem like he had just remembered.


Rather than snap at him for acting liking he didn't remember, I took a step forward, "Yeah...I also just wanted to apologize. I know you're uncomfortable with the thought of Liam and I being alone for a weekend, but trust me, so am I-"

"Yeah, you're right. I am uncomfortable with the thought. Want to know why? Because this is the kid who not only kisses the ground you walk on, but he is also the kid your parents want you to marry!" he interrupted, the volume of his voice rising with each word.

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