Twenty Four.

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(A/N) Okay screw the vote goal haha. I can't keep up with that.

"I don't understand...why do you find this interesting to watch?" I asked my father as we sat lounging along the sidelines of the polo match in front of us.

He exhaled some smoke, setting his hand that held his cigar on the arm rest of his chair.

"I find it interesting because I used to play myself." he explained giving me a smile before focusing back on the horses and men on the field.

I frowned, "Since when!?" I asked, shocked that I didn't know about that little bit of information.

He chuckled before inhaling from his cigar.

"Elizabeth, your father used to be a fantastic horseback rider." my mother butted in from beside me, fixing the large hat that sat upon her head.

It was an unflattering hat and I thanked the heavens that she hadn't forced me to wear one too.

"Seriously?" I asked incredulously. 

I couldn't even picture my father touching a horse, not to mention riding one! My father had always been a large man, which was one of the main reasons he played football as a young man. But riding horses? Ha that seemed like such a ridiculous thing. I guess it wasn't as ridiculous as I thought though.

My father nodded, smiling in amusement as he took in my shocked expression.

"Wow, I cannot believe it." I breathed, grabbing my glass of lemonade and sipping on it. Over the rim of my glass I watched the players canter about, smacking the ball around frantically.

It was surprisingly a pretty intense sport to watch. And knowing my father had played when he was younger had me focusing more on the game than when i had first gotten here.

After a couple minutes of watching on intently my mother's voice interrupted me.

"Oh it's so nice to see you Karen! How long have you two been here?" 

I snapped my head around, my stomach aching slightly at the sight of the Payne's. 

A small sigh of relief left my lips when I noticed that Liam was absent.

"We were just over there. We meant to come over here earlier but you know me and my chatty mouth!" Karen responded, motioning towards a table quite far away from ours.

I quickly tuned out their conversation, finding interest in the game again.

Of course, once they came to greet me I was polite about it but I made sure to make no conversation with them whatsoever. Luckily for me they found catching up with my parents more important.

After awhile the mention of Liam came up and I couldn't help but listen in. To be subtle I simply continued to keep my eyes on the the match, casually playing with my silver bracelet as I did so.

"Liam is a polo player!?" my mother squealed in utter delight.

 I frowned, my eyes involuntarily searching for him amongst the riders.

"Yes, you see the grey horse? That's him riding it." Karen pointed towards the field, my eyes following the area to where she pointed.

Immediatley I found him upon the muscular grey stud.  To my embarassment I realized he had been one of the riders I had been watching carefully, mainly because of how good he was. Now that I knew it was Liam I couldn't help but cringe slightly. For minutes I had been in awe watching the rider with the blue shirt smack the ball and gallop about, and now I learn that that man was a man my parents wanted me to marry.

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