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Steve PoV
Why tf did she tell him that! Now she done made me hurt her. I shot her with a pill that paralyzes her body for 13 hours and I left Quan down there to caress her and hold her. Well he crying anyways so it really doesn't matter. She always pushes me to something I regret. Why do I have to have feelings for her out of all people. I should just go to the hospital and check on my pretties. Well nvm he comes home today.

Jada PoV
I'm scared for his life because he goes back to Stevens today. I know he's not going to tell the doctors still but something has to happen. I hope Elesha gets out of this soon enough. I lm hating that she's with them. Quan will do anything to protect her and he becoming whipped so he'll kill somebody over her.

Quan PoV
He always doing something! He deserves to die. Baby please wake up I want a life with you. I want to wake up beside you in a nice bed. Have our children run and jump in our bed every morning. Baby girl I got you and I promise he gone pay for every fucking thing he did to you baby. He's not worth our tears anymore and I'm done letting him hurt us. We are going to finish this once and for all and Kenzie comes home today and I'm pretty sure he is going to come see you. I just hate the way things ended up but I promise I'm never letting yo ass get away again. Ever. I love you too much and all of this happening proves it baby girl.

Elesha PoV and her conscience

Well where am I? Elesha says
Well you're inside of your mind dear. Says her conscience.
Why am I here I was just fixing to tell Quan that I love him.
Yes I know but Steve stepped in and shot you with a shot that paralyzes you for 13 hours. So you're stuck with me for 8 more hours and we have a lot to discuss my dear.
Well get to talking cuz we have plenty of time I see.
Don't get hasty we have to talk this out ma'am.
Ok I'm sorry I'm just going through a rough patch.
Trust me I know how you feel but we are going to get Steve back. There is a crowbar in this cell and I'm going to need you to use it to get out the cell and kill Steve. 🔪💉   He will be cooking dinner when you get out and just hit him.
I think I got what you saying so how many hours do I have left.
You have 4 but I have to tell you. Trust Quan he's meant to be yours baby girl. Don't push him away he's paid for his mistakes in May ways that you don't know of but if you keep pushing him away soon enough he'll get tired of it and give up then you'll find yourself wondering why he left and it would be all your fault. That's all I have to say now go back to sleep my child.
Wait no don't leave. She left anyway but I might give him a chance. He is trying I just hope I don't end up making another mistake by trusting him. He's all I ever wanted and if I let him go again I'll just be depressed all the time. Let me sleep and think of the way I'm going to get out of here.

Kenzie PoV

Well I sure as hell don't miss this house. I have to go see Elesha I really miss my best friend I wonder how they're doing. Well I see Quan crying and Elesha looks dead!

Kenzie and Quan PoV

What happened?! Yells Kenzie
Steve tranquilized her dude! Says Quan
He is a dead man walking. Come on out he's gone but just wait until he gets back this is going to be the end for him and jada is up there she crying cuz of me.
Why is she crying over you?
Well Steve made a lil trip and seen me and her sister together and he hurt me pretty bad he tried to slit my wrists to send a message that I shouldn't be associating with anyone.
That bastard! He always messing up something just imagine how jada gonna feel after she sees Elesha.
Well it'll be bad but it's life she's going to cry anyways.

Steve PoV
Well I guess I'll be on my way then. Elesha wakes up in less than 23 minutes. Kenzie is back so he probably let them out but Elesha knocked out so it'll be fine. Quan is the one I have to worry about really.

Steve gets home and all the lights are off and he wonders where they are. He grabs the door knob and it's locked. He tries the back door and it's open. He checks the cells and they all are empty. He drops his grocery and starts screaming around the house. Soon Quan emerges and slams into Steve and Steve grabs a knife and stabs him in his stomach then Kenzie comes out of nowhere and tackles him and punched him in the face repeatedly. Steve grabs the knife again and as soon as he stabs Kenzie 8 times in the stomach Elesha comes behind Steve and repeatedly hits him in the head with the crowbar until he dies. She called the ambulance and left the scene but before she did she promised shed see them again and kiss Quan goodbye.

The police showed up and Steve was dead finally. Kenzie had to be rushed to the ICU because he was clinging on for his life. Quan had to get 5 stitches in his side. Jada was by their side the whole time. She wondered where her sister was through all of this. She knows she's out there somewhere she just hopes she is ok.

Elesha PoV
Well I miss them so much I hope everyone is ok. I didn't want to stay and go to jail for killing him but he deserved it. He kept me down there for so long. My family has been through hell because of him. He was a monster that had to be put down. I had to be the one that had to do it. I miss Quan so bad I think about him everyday and pray that he is ok. I pray that Kenzie survived those stab wounds.
Elesha gets a phone call from a weird number.

Elesha my darling. How are you child?
Who tf is this?
It's Steve dad darling! You didn't think I'd forget about you killing my son did you?
She freezes up and almost drops the phone and he just laughs because he knows that she is about to freak out.
I have no idea what you're talking about stranger?
Oh darling it's ok. Because when I find you I'll jog your memory!
With that he hung up the phone and she immediately left the country and lived in Siberia for a good while.

3 years later....

Quan never dated anyone he continued to wait on Elesha and he still hasn't heard from her. Jada tries to make him happy by showing him pictures of them together and telling him that they'll be together one day. He just stays depressed all the time. Kenzie is happily married to Jada and they have one child named Jay. He loves to play with Quan more than his own parents and that is really the only thing that brings joy to Quan's life.
One day Quan gets an unexpected call from a strange number.

Unknown person and Quan and Kenzie and Jada.

Hello? Says the stranger
Elesha? Screams Jada
Jada? I miss you so much Elesha cries. I really need to speak to you all.
Well Elesha long story short. Kenzie and I are married and you missed the wedding and we have a child he is 1 and his name is Jay and Quan has been depressed ever since he woke up in the hospital so I really believe you need to talk to him before any of us!
She already passed the phone to Quan.
Yes baby it's me she cries. I miss you so much and I'm sorry for leaving but I can't stay on long.
Where tf have you been. Baby girl you have me so worried. I can't believe you left after I got stabbed like who does that. I'm just so happy to hear your voice why did you wait a whole fucking 3 years to call me. You waited this damn long to have contact with me. I'm mad but I'm more happy to know that you're alive. Kenzie is alive too and his love is going great now come home so ours can too. I love you so much. He finishes crying.
I want to come home I really do but Steve dad is out looking for me and he wants me dead and I love you. Be safe baby and she hung up.
Quan cried so hard because Steve dad has all types of connections and when he wants someone dead they are but it's been three years so he's toying with her. Her death will be painful and he is not about to let that happen. He told Kenzie and they know what they needed to do and that is find Stevens dad and kill him first before he kills her.

*****The End*****

Sorry for the cliff hanger I'm just trying to get done with this book I'll make a sequel on down the line I just have to focus on school right now. Thanks for reading the book and the sequel will be more updated and better than this book. Thanks again bye now.

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