Chapter 10

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Steve above

Jada and Kenzie PoV

"So." Says Jada
"So what?" Says Kenzie
"When are we going to get there, dumbass!?"
"Sit tight my pretty."
"I'll sit tight alright, with my tight fist to your face!"
"Jada chill!"
"Hmmmm wateva kidnapper." She whispers under her breath.

So Kenzie decides to stop at a store on the way back. Which it is dark outside and Jada looks out the window to see that this place is basically deserted. She waits for Kenzie to come back. He took the keys so she cannot let the windows back up. She decided to take a nap.

"Hi!" Steve says with a menacing smile.
Jada screamed to the top of her lungs for Kenzie to run out of the store to see what has happened to Jada. When Kenzie sees Steve he freezes in his tracks and almost takes a whazz on himself. Steve just smiles at him evilly and starts to walk towards him slowly. Kenzie doesn't move but his heart is beating 146mph.

Kenzie and Steve PoV
"So I see you've left the house?" Says Steve
"Yes I did." Gulps Kenzie.
"Why did you exactly leave after I left. I know you let them out of their cell. They needed a bath anyways that's the only reason why you're not dead exactly. You didn't ask but then again you didn't quite disobey me either. You still will get punished as you know this, correct?"

Kenzie just decides to nod his head. Steve then takes out a blade and has Kenzie pinned between him and a vending machine. He then slices both of Kenzie's wrist deep but not deep enough to kill him but deep enough so he gets the message. Steve walks back to the horrified looking girl.
"You might want to get him in the car and speed to a hospital before he actually dies. He needs those to be stitched unless he really will bleed to death!" Laughs Steve.
Jada races to Kenzie side. He hasn't lost that much blood but Jada races to Kenzie's side. He walks back to the car with her and she speeds off. She's trying her best to get there with the anger in her eyes. She wants to kill him for hurting Kenzie. As soon as she arrives they put Kenzie on a gurney and takes him to a room. He got moved to the icu because the cuts were actually deeper than expected. He lost a gallon of blood that was about to end his life without it. A blood transfusion happened. The nurse comes out to ask Jada what has happened but she knows if she tells Kenzie, her sister, Quan, and her will be DEAD.

Quan and Elesha PoV

"Wassup witchu?" Says Quan
"We'll let me see, I'm stuck here with my KIDNAPPER, also a person that rejected me but wants to be all lovey dovey bullshit." Says Elesha
"I told you I'm sorry for the past but please work with me for the future for us."
"Who tf said there will be an us?"
"Actually you did I heard what you said when I was tranquilized I was just paralyzed basically. I heard every last word though. I know how you were crying and said you would forgive me if I came back to you. So here I am back to you so shouldn't that mean you will forgive me?"
"That's only because I thought you were dying! You're stupid to think that I want you again."
He looks hurt but knows that she is lying because her tears don't lie even though the things that come out her mouth do.
"Look I love you and I'm fixing to go shower. Don't go anywhere, well actually you can't because we're locked inside so." And with that he kissed her on her forehead and left. She actually does love him back but what if he stops feeling that way then she will have to pick up the pieces again.

Quan is in the shower sing 3005 by Childish Gambino

No matter what you say or what you do
When I'm alone I'd rather be with you

So Elesha decided to walk in and she giggled and he heard her.
"Elesha is that you?!!"
"Yea it's me dimwit but I just wanted to tell you that I want to give you a chance."
She tried to leave the bathroom but he grabbed her arm to spin her around so she could look at him.
He looked hot wrapped in a towel with his pack showing she started sweating. He noticed this and took initiative to step closer to her and lock the bathroom door. He looked into her eyes and knew in that moment that she was his. He then decided to kiss her cheek. He told her to close her eyes. What do you see? Nothing Quan? That's my life without you. She opened her eyes and grinned. He was standing there with a smirk upon his face. He leaned in and gave her a real kiss. She was fighting for dominance with her tongue which she lost. He sucked on her bottom lip and then started tongue kissing her again. She then bit his lip but softly and decide to have fun. He slipped her shirt over her head and moved to her chest. He planted kisses everywhere and soon left hickeys behind. Then there came a knock at the door.

"What, Kenzie!"
"Hi this is Jada."
"Jada?" Says Elesha
"Elesha?" Says Jada
Elesha slips her clothes back on and kisses Quan but rushes to go hug her sister.
"Why are you crying, Jay?"
"Ken-Kenzie is in the icu!?"
"What, why?"
"Steve seen he had left the house and he seen that I was with him and he pushed him against a vending machine and I seen that he cut Kenzie's wrists so I had to rush him to the hospital." Sobs Jada
"Quan! We have to go back to the dungeon because he will be back soon. Jada I love you but you have to leave because I don't want him to hurt you and I can't leave because if I do he will just kill Kenzie. I know he told you to take him to the hospital, but don't tell them what happened because he will kill all of us.! Understood?"
Jada nods her head hugs her sister and leaves. Quan is finally fully dressed and they head back down to the dungeon, where it reeks with pee and shit, holding hands on the way down. He popped her ass and she was surprised but didn't say anything she was worried about Kenzie. He was trying to be a better friend and got hurt trying to do so. I just really hope Steve doesn't find out who my sister is or that Kenzie had this plan organized.

Steve PoV
I wonder who that hot chick with Kenzie was? I didn't mean to make her cry but she is hot. I had to ruin her night by hurting him because she will end up being mines. Hopefully I didn't spoil her that much but she looks a hell a lot like Elesha. Nah Elesha sister died in a car accident some years ago. They got the story messed up and thought it was Elesha but it was her sister. Why was he even out of the house he usually always ask me to go somewhere and now this time he just ups and goes about. Something isn't right but I do trust him and he hasn't failed me yet. I wonder how Quan and Elesha are actually doing. I know Kenzie let them out to take a shower and get cleaned up. I know it would hurt her so I agreed because all those cuts will burn the hell out of her back. Quan on the other hand probably watched her bathe and that's where i need to punish him when I get back. I swear if she has a smile plastered on her face I'll torture him in front of her face. I still love her and she makes me do these type of things. She just doesn't fully understand maybe if she would just listen I wouldn't have to beat the hell out of her.

Jada PoV
I knew Steve wasn't good for Elesha ever since I first met him. I'd catch him sometimes killing things that wasn't even bothering him. It would be birds outside and he would just throw rocks and hit them right in the head. He would laugh like a maniac and it creeped me out but she never listened to me. Now she's getting a abused by him but I hope Quan treats her better. Well actually I know he will. She always liked the bad boys and she sholl picked a bad one this time. This is just about the worst one. I just knew I should've told our parents while they were here. She always listened to dad and never thought otherwise. He really should still be here. I really like Kenzie and now he's holding on to his life because of this pathetic piece of crap. An excuse of a human. I hope he makes it. They will ask him questions when he wakes up but I hope he doesn't tell because we'll all be good as dead. He probably already knows this. I walk into his room and decide to pour my feelings out to him then I hear a gasp. The heart monitor starts beating really fast then it all of a sudden flat lines.....

Thanks for reading I will update soon don't forget to comment and vote. Thanks

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