Hospital Rooms

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Toby finished the text to Spencer and he sent it to her. He decided he still needed to stay in Rosewood, and that he loved Spencer. Then he got the news Spencer was shot.

Heading out soon. Just wanted to say

Toby stared at his phone. He debated whether or not to send the text. There was a lump forming in his throat, and he sighed. He was scared what would happen if he did tell Spencer. He still loved her, but Yvonne was everything he ever wanted. Yvonne wasn't complicated, and she didn't have so many secrets to hide. She wasn't always in danger, and she wasn't ever accused of murder. Yvonne was safe. He always wanted a safe relationship.

But there was a part, a larger part, that was yearning for Spencer. He loved Spencer. Every inch of them, when he was a teenager, loved her. She was the first person he fully trusted, and he wanted to protect her at all costs. She saved him like he saved her. She was his rock, and she used to always bring him back home.

I still love you.

Then he sent the text. Panic filled his veins, realizing what he did. He realized he would give Spencer false hope, again. First he did with the house, then he would do it with the text. Not to mention the kiss. He didn't even want to stop. She stopped the kiss. The message delivered and his anxiety didn't dissolve. He knew he had to tell Yvonne the truth.

"Ready, Tobes," Yvonne asked. Toby hated it when she called her the nickname. Spencer and his mother were the only ones who called him the name. He'd told Yvonne before not to call him that, but he just let it slide after she continued.

"I need to talk to you," he said. He needed to tell her. Yvonne didn't deserve the treatment. She deserved to be happy. He clicked his phone off.

"What's wrong? Is about the move, or Hanna going missing?"

"Yes and yes," he sighed. "I . . ." he ran a hand through his hair. He didn't know where to start. "With them coming back and . . . similar things happening again I . . . have been questioning what I want in the future."

"I have no idea where you're going with this."

Toby looked at Yvonne's hand. The ring that glistened in the moonlight. He had bought the ring before any of the drama had happened. It wasn't his mother's ring. He didn't know why he didn't give the ring to her. Maybe because he only imagined Spencer wearing the memorable.

"I kissed Spencer," he blurted. His mind was scattered everywhere, and for some reason he blurted that out to Yvonne. He wanted to wait to blurt that, but his mind went blank.

"What?" she said. She sounded upset and hurt and betrayed, but her tone was also mixed with confusion and more. "What do you mean by you are Spencer kissed."

"I don't know. She was saying goodbye. Then she asked and then I didn't say and then we were and then she walked away," Toby said, stumbling over his words. Suddenly, he was the awkward teenager again. "I'm so, so sorry Yvonne. I never meant to hurt you but . . ."

"But you and Spencer rekindled your spark."

He looked at the ground, he shuffled his feet. "I'm sorry."

Yvonne didn't say anything. She just slipped the ring off her finger and placed it in his hand. "I'm not going to make you choose between Spencer and me. We both know you will choose Spencer."

"I never wanted this to happen," he sighed. Yvonne knew he meant the statement. Toby had too much of a heart to want to hurt her or Spencer. "I loved you. So much. But then she came back and . . . we fell back into synch."

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