I'm sorry Camila.

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Camila- You're probably not home yet and your phone was dead when you left but I can't stop thinking about you.

Camila- You were just as beautiful as I expected

Camila- maybe more.

Camila- Damn I should have kissed you, why didn't I kiss you?

Camila- I hope you're safe...

Camila- Lo you have really beautiful eyes...

Camila- and your laugh made my day

Camila- God I could listen to you talk about your artwork for hours

Camila- You're so passionate

Camila- I miss you

Camila- Get home soon so you can text me!

Lauren- Hey...

Camila- Hey!! Sorry I got carried away, did you get home safe?

Lauren- Yeah... I'm home okay.

Camila- I miss you... :( come back and cuddle

Lauren- I'm sorry camila

Camila- What?

Lauren- I can't do this.

Sent. (Camren) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now